中印两国对外贸易战略比较分析 毕业论文.doc

中印两国对外贸易战略比较分析 毕业论文.doc

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中印两国对外贸易战略比较分析 毕业论文

中文摘要 “世界工厂”、“世界办公室”这种全球产业分工的经济发展模式,在一定的程度上促使了中国、印度这些发展中国家在近些年来的飞速发展。 在对两国的比较中发现,中国实行的是进口替代与鼓励出口并举的外贸政策。进口替代政策的目的是通过引进国外先进技术和设备,实现工业消费品的进口替代,促进本国工业发展,推动工业化进程。鼓励出口的政策目的,初期是为了解决外汇短缺的问题,随着开放进程的加速,逐渐形成了通过利用国内外两种资源两个市场,发挥比较优势,参与国际经济循环的战略思路。印度为了与新自由主义经济政策相配套,强调实行出口导向战略,并开放了资本市场The factory of the world, world office this mode of economic development of the global division of labor, to a certain extent, the developing countries: China, India and the rapid development in recent years. In comparison to the two countries,China is the foreign trade policy of import substitution and export promotion simultaneously. Import substitution policy objectives through the introduction of foreign advanced technology and equipment, industrial goods, import substitution, and promote the development of domestic industries to promote industrialization process. Policy objective to encourage exports, was designed to solve the problem of shortage of foreign exchange in the early days, as the open process to accelerate and evolve through the use of two types of resources both at home and abroad markets, comparative advantages, participation in international strategy of the economic cycle. India to neo-liberal economic policies matched, stressed that the implementation of export-oriented strategy, and opening the capital market. This article compare and analysis China and Indias foreign trade from the two countries foreign trade situation, strategy development, strategic alternatives and focusing on future , How should China carry out the strategy etc. Keywords: foreign trade import and export,Service trade; strategic goals,Trade dependence 引 言 “世界工厂”、“世界办公室”这种全球产业分工的经济发展模式,在一定的程度上促使了发展中国家:中国、印度在近些年来的飞速发展。与中国相比,印度的改革开放比中国晚10多年,但从1991年实行改革开放战略以来,短短10年间迅速培育出在世界极具竞争力的计算机软件产业和服务业。22072.7亿美元,增加了7654.9亿美元;相比2008年的进出口总额25161.3亿美元,增加了4566.3亿美元,可以看出我国近年来的进出口总值呈上升的趋势,而且增加幅度较大。 表1 2008-2010年中国进出口总值表 单位:亿美元 累计值 1至当月,比去年同期±(%) 2008年 2009年 2010年 2008年 2009年 2010年 进


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