x2110n15型农用柴油机连杆设计论文修改 毕业论文.doc

x2110n15型农用柴油机连杆设计论文修改 毕业论文.doc

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x2110n15型农用柴油机连杆设计论文修改 毕业论文

X2110N-15农用柴油机连杆设计 摘要 改革开放以来,我国的经济得到了飞速发展,由于市场经济的繁荣,农业科技也得到了蓬勃发展,我国北方各省土地辽阔,南方各省水田广阔,因此,农业的发展离不开农用机械的发展,随着经济的发展,市场对农用机械的需求量与日俱增,对小型农用柴油机的需求也随之增长,农用柴油机的市场需求量大,市场前景非常广阔。运输业业务量的扩大,原有农用柴油发动机的性能无法满足业务的发展。所以客户迫切普遍需求性能更为优越的农用柴油机,要实现工作时振动较小,噪音低,功率足够大,结构紧凑,排放烟度低,燃油消耗率低等性能要求。 在这种市场背景下,X2110N 型柴油机应运而生,这种柴油机是转速为1500r/min的农用柴油机,适合用作农用机械主机,同时能满足客户对性能提升的要求。 本课题要完成该柴油机典型零件连杆的设计以及图纸的绘制。 关键词:柴油机;仿真;活塞设计 The X2110N diesel motion simulation and piston design Abstract Since the reform and opening up, Chinas economy has been rapid development, due to the prosperity of the market economy, transportation industry has also been rapid development, broad waters of southern China, many lakes. Therefore, south of the transportation industry development is inseparable from the ships development, as with increasing economic development, market demand for small ship, in small ship diesel engine of demand increases, marine diesel engine market demand large amount, market prospect is very broad. The performance of the original marine diesel engine can not meet the development of the business. So urgent clients generally demand performance more superior marine diesel engine, to achieve work when small vibration and low noise, power is large enough, compact structure, low smoke emission, fuel consumption rate and low performance requirements. In this market background, X2110 diesel engine came into being, this diesel engine is the speed of 1500r/min marine diesel engine, suitable for use as a marine engine, while meeting the requirements of customers to improve performance. This topic is to complete the design of the piston of the diesel engine and the drawing. Key words: diesel engine; simulation; piston design 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 选题目的与意义 1 1.2 国内外发展现状与趋势 1 1.3 本文的主要工作 3 第二章 连杆的结构设计与分析 4 2.1 连杆受力分析 4 2.2 连杆结构分析 4 2.3 连杆的设计要求 5 2.4 连杆的材料 5 2.5 连杆基本参数的确定 5 2.6 连杆小头的结构设计 6 2.6.1 小头结构型式 6 2.6.2连杆衬套 6 2.6.3小头结构尺寸 7 2.7连杆杆身的结构设计 7 2.7.连杆结构 7 2.8 连杆大头的结构设计 7 2.8.1 大头结构型式 7 2.8


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