φ400液压翻倒卸料离心机设计 毕业论文.doc

φ400液压翻倒卸料离心机设计 毕业论文.doc

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φ400液压翻倒卸料离心机设计 毕业论文

摘要 翻倒卸料离心机是在三足式上卸料离心机基础上研发而成的一种新 型离心机。它具有对物料适应性强,操作方便等特点,同时克服了三足式上卸料离心机劳动强度大、工作效率低的缺点,同时又避免刮刀卸料离心机在卸料时刮滤网和破坏物料晶粉的缺点,最适合于石英砂,化工原料,医药中间体等松散晶体物料的分离脱水;蔬菜、衣布等物料脱水;金属切削、研磨粉的脱油;电镀件、民用小五金等产品的酸洗脱液。 对于Φ400液压翻倒离心机的设计,在王敬伊老师的指导下分别对转鼓壁的厚度计算,拦液板的计算,转鼓底的设计,功率计算和电动机的选择,传动皮带的设计及选择,主轴的设计和强度校核,轴承的选择,翻到架的设计和强度计算,刹车的结构设计和强度计算,翻倒传动部分的设计计算,和其它的一些设计计算。 在设计中,我首先要了解到离心机的工作原理:先由控制电路接通带动转鼓转动的电动机,通过皮带的传动使转鼓转动,转鼓转动使物料固液分离,液体通过离心机底部的排液管流出,固体留在转鼓壁上,然后再由控制电路接通翻倒电动机使离心机翻转倒出固体,这样就完成了分离的整个过程,这也是我们设计必须明白的。然后使了解离心机的各个零部件的构造和它们的材料工艺要求。最后对离心机进行整体的评定。 关键词:离心机;转鼓壁;转鼓底;主轴 Abstract Tipping discharge centrifuge is a three-foot centrifuge discharge on the basis of research and development from a new type of centrifuge. It has a strong adaptability of materials, easy to operate, while overcoming a three-foot upper discharging centrifuge labor-intensive, low efficiency shortcomings, while avoiding Scraper centrifuges and screen scraping when unloading the disadvantage to destroy its crystal powder, the most suitable material for loose crystal quartz sand, chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, separation of dehydration; vegetables, clothing fabrics and other materials dehydration; metal cutting, grinding powder de-oiled; plating parts, hardware and other civil acid eluent products. For Φ400 hydraulic tipping centrifuge design, respectively, the thickness of the drum wall is calculated at Wang Jing Yi teachers guidance, select the calculation liquid blocking plate, drum bottom design, computing power and a motor, transmission belt design and selection spindle design and strength check, bearing selection, turn the frame design and strength calculations, structural design and brake strength calculation, tipping the transmission part of the design calculations, and some other design calculations. In the design, I first want to understand the centrifuge works: first control circuit connected to a motor driven drum is rotated by a belt drive to make the drum rotates, the drum is rotated so that the material


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