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餐厅服务员常用英语: ①How many ? / How many are your party ? 你们几位? 2 ①Two for dinner , please . 两人用餐。 ②Can I have a table for two ? 有一张两个人的桌子吗? ③Could you please make arrangements for a dinner party of six ? 能为6个人安排就餐吗? ④I’d like to reserve a table for five . 我要预定一张5个人的子。 ⑤I have a table for four under the name of Johnson . 我以约翰逊的名字订了一张4人的桌子。 ⑥I would like a nonsmoking table for two . 我想在禁烟区要一张两人的桌子。 ⑦Excuse me , is that table vacant ? 打扰了,请问这是空桌吗? 3 ①My friend will be along shortly . 我的朋友一会就到。 ②I’m expecting someone . 我在等人。 4 ①Can I have the menu ? / Could you please give me the menu? / Bring me the menu , please . 5①Can / May I take your order now ? 现在可以点菜了吗? ②Are you ready to order now ? / Would you like to order now ? 您现在准备点菜了吗? ③Would you like a drink before your meal ?/ Would you like a drink to start with ? ④Would you care for a drink before you order ? 点菜之前您要喝点什么吗? ⑤Would you like anything to drink ? 您想喝点什么吗? ⑥Do you need a few minutes ( to decide what you want ? ) 你是不是想再等几分钟(决定你要什么?) 6 ①Yes , I’d like to have / try some …… 是的,我想尝尝…… I’ll try / have …… 是的,我想尝尝…… ②I’d like my steak rare / medium / well-done . 我想我的牛排五分/七分/全熟。 ③We need a couple more minutes to decide . / We need a few more minutes to decide . / We need a couple more minutes to decide . 我们要待会再点。 ④I’m not ready to order yet . 我还没准备好点菜。 ⑤I haven’t figured out what I want yet . 我还没想好吃什么。 ⑥I haven’t decide yet . 我还没想好。 ⑦I can’t decide . What’s your recommendation ? / What would you suggest ? 你推荐什么菜? ?What do you recommend ? 你推荐什么菜? ?What’s good today ? 今天有什么好菜? ?What are the specials ? 今天有什么特色菜? ⑧Well , …… is popular and …… is good . 恩,……很受欢迎,而且……也不错。 ⑨Why don’t you order for me ? 还是你帮我点吧。 7 May I serve your dishes , now ? 现在可以上菜了吗? 8 ①Do you like your salad / steak / mutton-chop ……? 你的色拉/牛排/羊排……怎么样? Yes , it’s nice and fresh . 是的,好吃,而且新鲜。 ②It’s so tasty ! 味道真美! This is delicious ! 真好吃! ③Mine is rather tasteless ! 我的毫无味道! ④…… is out of this world ! ……真是风味绝佳! ⑤That’s a great m


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