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让我们一起学习国际音标 第一节:前元音对照表 第二节:中元音对照表 第三节:后元音对照表 第四节:合口双元音对照表 第五节:集中双元音对照表 第六节:爆破音对照表 第七节:摩擦音对照表 第八节:破擦音对照表 第九节:鼻音对照表 第十节:舌边音对照表 第十一节:半元音对照表 让我们一起学习国际音标 第一节:前元音对照表 i : feel How are you feeling today? i give She gives me a big headache. e friend She is my best friend. ? bad That is too bad. 第二节:中元音对照表 Λ love I love money. З:r work Did it work? З r teacher Our english teacher is great. е(倒过来) about forget about it. 第三节:后元音对照表 а: calm keep calm. а:r hard What makes you work so hard? a impossible Nothing is impossible. ): talk I need to talk to you. ):r more I really can’t stand any more. ∪ good My mother is a good cook. ∪: improve I want to improve my poor english. 第四节:合口双元音对照表 ei mistake I make a mistake. ai shy Don’t be shy,just try. )i enjoy Enjoy your stay here. o hope I hope I can see you again. au sound That sounds great. 第五节:集中双元音对照表 ir here Do you live near here? εr where Where are you from? ur sure Are you sure you can do it? 第六节:爆破音对照表 p problem No problem. b busy I’m very busy now. t today Today is a great day. d kind What kind of job do you have? k weak I feel a litte weak today. g go I’ve got to go now. 第七节:摩擦音对照表 f food What is your favorite food? v very It’s a very nice view. s serious Are you serious? z business Business is business. ∫ show Let me show you aroud the city. З usually I usually get up at seven. θ thank Thank you. e weather The weather is good today. h hate I hate her. r right You have no right to do that . 第八节:破擦音对照表 t∫ which Choose which you like best. dз job She’s looking for a part time job. change Here’s your change. 第九节:鼻音对照表 m minute Wait a minute. n nice Nice to m



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