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河南工业职业技术学院 经济管理系 毕业设计(论文) 中文题目:论固定资产折旧方法对企业利润的影响 专 业:会计电算化 姓 名:张靖新 学 号:1004120739 指导教师:马雪 2014年10月15日 摘要 固定资产的折旧是指在固定资产的使用寿命内,按确定的方法对应计折旧额进行的系统分摊。由于固定资产折旧方法颇多且在使用过程中存在较多的差异,作为一个企业,要针对各折旧方法的利弊选择适合本企业固定资产的折旧方法时,涉及多种折旧方法的比较问题,因此,对固定资产折旧方法的比较和分析是一项不可或缺的工作。而固定资产折旧方法的选择会直接或间接地影响企业的利润。由于固定资产折旧费用将会按照一定的比例计入经营成本中,而经营成本与利润密切相关。因此,不同的折旧方式将会对利润产生不同的影响。本文对我国《会计法》规定企业可选用的4种折旧方法:平均年限法、工作量法、双倍余额递减法和年数总和法进行讲解,并把它们对利润的影响进行比较。经过比较后发现,双倍余额递减法对企业效益最好,在相同条件下递延纳税,相当于取得了一笔无息贷款,对于企业资金的运作和企业利润有着极大的帮助,使企业更好地适应市场的变化。个人认为,应该在适合的企业中推广双倍余额递减法。 关键词:固定资产、折旧方法、双倍余额递减法、利润 Abstract Depreciation of fixed assets refers to the useful life of the fixed asset, according to the method of determining the accrued depreciation amount for allocation of system. Because of the depreciation method is considerable and there are many differences in the use, as a company, it should address the pros and cons of various depreciation methods select this depreciation method for fixed assets, comparisons involving various depreciation methods and, therefore, the analysis and comparison of methods of depreciation is an indispensable task. Fixed assets depreciation methods can have a direct or indirect impact corporate profits. As the depreciation expense will be according to the certain proportion into account operating costs, operating costs and profits are closely related. Therefore, different depreciation methods can have different effects on profits. Based on the accounting law provides that companies can choose 4 different depreciation methods: average method, method, double declining balance, and sum of the years digits method is explained, and compare their effects on profits. Comparison found that double-declining balance method is best for enterprises, tax deferred under the same condition, or has made an interest-free loan, to fund operations and corporate profits is of great help to enable enterprises to better adapt


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