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Beijing Opera; Warming up: 1Do you like to watch Beijing Opera? ;那一天爷爷领我去把京戏看 看见那舞台上面好多大花脸 红白黄绿蓝颜色油的脸 一边唱一边喊 哇呀呀呀呀 好象炸雷其实大家就像在耳边 蓝脸的多尔礅盗玉马 红脸的关公战长沙 黄脸的典韦白脸的曹操 黑脸的张飞叫喳喳…… 喳喳哇…… 说实话京剧脸谱本来确实挺好看 可唱的说的全是方言怎么听也不懂 慢慢腾腾咿咿呀呀哼上老半天 乐队伴奏一听光是锣鼓家伙 咙个哩个三大件 这怎么能够跟上时代跟上潮流 吸引当代小青年 紫色的天王托宝塔 绿色的魔鬼斗夜叉 金色的猴王银色的妖怪 灰色的精灵笑哈哈…… 好哇哇…… ; 2 What can you think of when talking about Beijing Opera? ;costumes ;beautiful headwears 头饰;;;jing净;chou丑;mask(面具)/painted-faces; 3Can you tell me some famous actors in Beijing Opera?;;谭鑫培 Tanxinpei;Yangxiaolou 杨小楼;; Fast-reading Read Para.12 1 When did Beijing Opera originated? 2 Why did the four opera groups from Anhui come to Beijing? ; Fast-reading Read Para.3 1 Beijing Opera combines _____, _______, _______, ________ and __________ 2 What are the themes of Beijing Opera? ; Fast-reading Read Para.4,5,67 How many types of roles in Beijing Opera?What are they ? ; Fast-reading Read Para.8,910 1 _________ is very important in Beijing Opera. 2 Can you tell me some famous permormers or actors? ; Careful-reading Read this passage again,and then tell whether the following statements are true or false. ;1 Beijing Opera has something to do with the opera of the West. 2 In 1790 four opera groups from Anhui Province came to Being on tour. 3The themes of Beijing Opera are usually love and hatred. 4 Jing are the leading male actors who portray scholars , officials , warriors. 5 Chou are negative all the time 6 The painted face represents a characters personality. 7 The actors can use a lot of props on the stage. 8 Walking in a circle around the stage means a long journey. ; 和……没有共同之处 have nothing in common with 回溯至…… date back to 巡回演出 on tour 以……为特征 be characterized by 神话故事,童话 fairy tales ;Beijing Opera;Homework: 1 Read the text . 2 Find the difficult sentences or places 3 Try to finish Exercise 1 on page 69.


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