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Unit5 Canada- “The True North” Period 2 Language learning Class______ Group__________ Name:______________ Score:_______ Teaching aims: 1. To master the usage of 6words and 4 phrases. 2. To use them flexibly through self-directed study and cooperation. 3. To be passionate and enjoy the pleasure of learning. Instructions: Solve problems and recite examples and language points crazily.(15 minutes) Have a one-to-one checking of the words and phrases.(5 minutes) Discuss the usage of language points. (15 minutes) Consolidate. (10 minutes) Words and phrases:( 方法引导: 自学词汇解释和例句,根据例句梳理单词的用法,然后背诵例句) 1. surround vi vt 包围;围绕 Troops have surrounded the town. 部队已将该城包围The house was surrounded with/by high walls. 房子的四周有高墙urrounding: adj周围附近的measure vi vt 测量;衡量;判 n.计量制;计量单位;措施 Education shouldn’t be measured purely by examination results. 教育不能单纯地用考试结果来衡量。 We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离。 take measures to stop the spread of AIDS. 我们采取措施阻止艾滋病的蔓延。should be taken to stop the spread of AIDS. 必须采取措施阻止艾滋病的蔓延。measurement n. 测量,尺寸. mix vt. vi 混合;调配 The chemist mixed (up) some medicine. 药剂师配了些药。 Don’t mix pleasure.不要把工作和娱乐混为一谈。The families who lived in Canada for a long time are usually all mixed up. 那些在加拿大住久了的家庭通常被混淆。I don’t want to be mixed up in the affair. 我不想与这件事扯上关系。 mixture n. [u,c] 混合(物). confirm Vt 证实证明加强 决心、意志等使…巩固批准任命等Please write to confirm your order. 请来信确认一下您的订单。 I was ed in my opinions by what you (had) told me. 你的话更坚定了我的意见。 The new minister will be confirmed in office by the Queen. 新的部长将由女王批准任职。. terrify vt. 使恐怖;恐吓Her husband’ s violence terrified her. 她丈夫的暴力使她感到恐惧。 ’t terrify the kids with ghost stories 别讲鬼故事吓坏了孩子。’m terrified of snakes. 我对蛇怕得要命。 [拓展] terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的 terrifying adj.(令人)可怕的 terrible adj; 讨厌的;糟糕的 terror n 惊恐;恐惧 . impress vt. 使印象深刻;使铭记What impressed me most is his funny appearance. 给我印象最深刻的是他的滑稽的外表。 We were impressed with/by your hard-working. 我们你的。 Father impressed on me the value of hard work.父亲使我铭记了辛勤工作的价值。 One cand


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