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What do you expect of the course? What is special about language of linguistics? Language of commonsense Vs. Language of science The discourse of science cannot translate into commonsense without lost of meaning. In any typical group of science students there will be some who find themselves in difficulty. Is linguistics difficult to learn? 人之为学有难易乎?学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。 What to learn in this session Chapter 1 Invitations to linguistics Chapter 2 Speech sounds Chapter 3 Morphology (word formation) Chapter 4 Syntax (sentence structure) Chapter 5 Meaning Chapter 8 Language in use (meaning in use) 1. What is Linguistics? The method used in linguistic study 1. Collect and observe language facts, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made. 2. Hypotheses about the language structure are formulated. 3. The formulated hypotheses are checked against the observed facts to prove their validity. A one year old boy pronounces some unintelligible sounds. His mom finds it like the sound of ball. (collect and observe) Thirsty? Hungry? Ball? Circles? The boy smiles when mom call circles in a handkerchief ball. Something round is a ball.(hypotheses) Try other round objects. (check the validity of hypotheses) The study object of linguistics What is language? What are rules there are that govern the structure of language? What do all languages have in common? How social factors are reflected in language? How does a child acquire his mother tongue? …… 1.2 Main branches of linguistics 1.3 Important distinctions in linguistics 1. Descriptive vs. prescriptive 2. Synchronic vs. diachronic 3. Langue and parole 4. Competence and performance 5. Speech and writing Prescriptive: 网络语言不标准,不规范。 Descriptive: 网络语言的性质、词汇、句法、修辞特征; 网络语言的规范以及对待网络语言的态度; 网络语言与语文教学、当代社会文化、网民的社会心理特征、网络词语及其意义生成的认知机制等。 Synchronic or diachronic? 近代汉语副词研究60年(1949-2009) 汉语基本颜色词的进化阶段与颜色范畴 离合词形成的历史及成因分析 主观化对句法限制的消解 国外话语标记研究及其对汉语研究的启示 中英文前言作者自称语语用对比研究 How is Choms



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