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* Unit 5 Our new home It’s a big room. I can sleep in the room. I have a bed in the room. bedroom I love my bedroom Watch and answer: 1、What do you have in the bedroom? 2、How is the bedroom? Watch and answer: 1、What do you have in the bedroom? 2、How is the bedroom? A sofa, a chair and a desk. A window, a door and a bed. It’s nice and clean. It’s a little bedroom. I love my bedroom I love my bedroom. It’s nice and clean. I love my little bedroom. _________, a chair and _________. __________, a door and _________. I love my bedroom. It’s nice and clean. I love my little bedroom. It’s nice and clean. I love my bedroom I love my bedroom. It’s nice and clean. I love my little bedroom. _________, a chair and _________. __________, a door and _________. I love my bedroom. It’s nice and clean. I love my little bedroom. A sofa a desk A window a bed s o u n d kitchen /k/ k / k / s o u n d bike kite like I ______to fly(放飞) my _______. And I ______ to ride(骑) my ______. like kite like bike s o u n d 你能试着读出下列单词吗? king 国王 key 钥匙 kid 儿童 kettle 水壶 kick 踢 kind 和善的 /k/ k /k/ c /k/ ck e.g: look cake make cat cap car pick jacket clock 你能说出其它类似的单词吗? Great! living room bathroom bedroom kitchen Rules(游戏规则): 1. Have ten seconds to remember. 十秒钟记忆图中的物品位置。 2. Listen to the questions, choose the answers on your paper. 听问题,选答案。 Memory game 游戏时间 记忆游戏 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 A: Where’s the fridge? B: It’s … Work in pairs Its in the kitchen. Work in pairs 2. A: Where’s the clock? B: It’s … Its in the bedroom. 3. A: Where’s the sofa? B: It’s … Work in pairs Its in the living room. 4. A: Where are the books? B: They’re … Work in pairs Theyre on the chair. 5.A: Where are the toy ducks? B: They’re … Work in pairs Theyre in the bathroom. 介绍时间 This is my home. We have a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen in our home. living room bathroom bedroom kitchen living room bathroom bedro


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