On Images of Women in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair 论飘和名利场中的女性形象.doc

On Images of Women in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair 论飘和名利场中的女性形象.doc

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On Images of Women in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair 摘要:《飘》和《名利场》这两部有名的作品都描写了在当时的社会背景下几个女主角的形象和性格。美国作品《飘》描写了两位性格截然不同的女主角坚韧顽强,勇于面对困难不退缩的生活态度。特别是斯佳丽不懈的拼搏奋斗,给人以极大的心灵震撼和精神鼓舞。英国作品《名利场》中的丽贝卡和阿米莉亚也同斯佳丽和美兰妮一样,成为他那个年代颇有影响力的女性人物。本文运用比较分析法,将来自不同国家和时代的女性形象相互比较:首先比较她们的出身背景,相貌及所受教育;其次比较她们对社会所持的态度;最后比较他们面对艰难挫折及命运的态度。并且还将她们与那一时代的男性也稍微加以比较。使这些女性的形象更加鲜明。 关键字:飘,名利场,分析比较 Abstract: These two famous masterpieces Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair have described several images of women under the social background of that time. The American novel Gone with the Wind eulogizes the two main female characters whose kidneys are completely different in diligence, pertinacity as well as positive attitude towards life when they encounter difficulties. Especially, the pain-staking strive of the indomitable and unyielding Scarlett shakes our hearts and inspires our spirit. Compare to Scarlett and Melanie, The actresses of England masterpiece Vanity Fair Rebecca and Amelia were considerably influential female characters in Thackeray’s age. The thesis makes a comparison between them: first, their background, education and appearance; second, their attitudes toward society; third, their attitudes towards difficulties in life and fate. By these in detail comparison, we get bright images of these women in these two novels. Keywords: Gone with the Wind, Vanity Fair, comparison Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Comparison of the two female heroines in Gone with the Wind and Vanity Fair 2 2.1 Comparison between Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara 2 2.1.1 Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara’s background and appearance 2 2.2.2 Scarlett O’Hara and Rebecca Sharp’s attitudes towards society 4 2.2.3 Scarlett O’Hara and Rebecca Sharp’s attitudes towards difficulties and fate 5 3. Disproval of the wrong understanding about Rebecca Sharp and Scarlett O’Hara 7 3.1 Disproval of the wrong understanding about Scarlett O’ Hara 7 3.1.1 On her attitude towards man 7 3.1.2 On he



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