A Study and Practice of Spoken English Teaching for Non-English Majors 大学英语口语教学的初步研究.doc

A Study and Practice of Spoken English Teaching for Non-English Majors 大学英语口语教学的初步研究.doc

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A Study and Practice of Spoken English Teaching for Non-English Majors Abstract: Currently, there appears the phenomenon that many institutions of higher learning are blindly going after the passing rates of Band 4 and Band 6 College English tests, thus resulting in the outcome that most non-English majors with ten years or more of English education fail to speak and comprehend spoken English. From the angles of physiology and psychology, the author has conducted an analysis of and a research on spoken English. On the basis of which a spoken English teaching practice has been performed. The paper aims at how one can adopt effective teaching techniques to improve students’ verbal communicative competence in limited time. This practice is a beneficial attempt to train students’ verbal communicative competence, which is a good beginning and has laid a foundation for the author’s further explorations in FLI. Key Words: college English teaching, foundational-notional approach, verbal communicative competence, spoken English teaching practice 大学英语口语教学的初步研究 摘要:目前,在中国许多高等院校,存在着盲目追求英语四、六级考试通过率的现象,大多数非英语专业大学生忙于应付四、六级考试,从而使得大多数学过十年左右英语的非英语专业的大学生们虽能熟练地做各种英语书面练习题,却很难用英语口语表达自己的思想或听懂别人讲的英语。本文作者从生理、心理的角度对英语口语的特点进行了分析和研究,并在此基础上进行了口语教学实践,旨在研究如何采取有效教学方法在有限的时间内提高学生的口头交际能力。这次教学实践是培养学生口头交际能力的一次有益尝试,是一个良好的开端,并为作者今后在英语教学中进行进一步的探索打下了基础。 关键词:大学英语教学;口头交际能力;功能意念法;口语教学实践 1. Introduction: According to College English Syllabus in China, college English teaching aims at Training students to acquire skillful reading ability and a certain listening, speaking, writing and translating ability to enable them to communicate information in English. College English teaching should help students master good language learning methods, lay solid language foundations and heighten their responsiveness to civic duties so as to adapt themselves to the needs of social development and economic construction. At present, most colleges and universities set four to five periods weekly of an integrate



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