On Grammar Teaching in Middle School 英语专业毕业论文.doc

On Grammar Teaching in Middle School 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题  目 On Grammar Teaching in Middle School 姓  名 学号 院  系 外国语学院 专  业 英语 指导教师 职称 2010年5月13日 On Grammar Teaching in Middle School A Thesis Submitted to College Normal University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Under the Supervision of May 2010 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to , my supervisor, who has given me constant and valuable advice, read my drafts through meticulously and offered incisive comments on then. Without her help, the thesis could never have reached its present form. I am also grateful to my friend who has provided me with useful materials, given me valuable advice and polished the thesis as well. My sincere gratitude also goes to all my teachers who have given me excellent lectures and great help, which are indispensable to the completion of this thesis. I also give my hearty thanks to all my classmates who have offered help and useful suggestion in the process of writing this thesis. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all the writers whose works have been referred to in this thesis. 摘 要 “英语语法教学”贯穿于中学英语教学过程的始终,是学生提高听说读写译五项技能的基础,但不少学生学习意识淡薄,对语法知识望而生畏,由此出现的一些原则性的语法错误也比比皆是。本文抓住这一特点,首先提出了学生语法学习中的误区。其次,本文分析了要改变这一状况,必须充分发挥学生在语法课堂教学活动中的主体作用,教师应根据学生实际,设计一些趣味性强、真实性和实践性突出的英语语法教学活动,更新观念,制定措施,层层突破,从而调动学生学习语法的积极性,掌握理解语法术语和基本概念,一定程度上提高他们解决实际问题的能力。最后,讨论了一些关于英语语法教学的策略。 关键词:英语;语法教学;策略 ABSTRACT Throughout the process of high school English teaching, grammar teaching is the foundation which can help students improve their basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. But many students are poorly aware of the importance of grammar teaching. There are some principles of grammar. Firstly, this thesis proposed student’s learning grammar errors. Secondly, analy



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