A Brief Analysis of the Translation of English Trademark 浅析商贸英语中英语商标的翻译.doc

A Brief Analysis of the Translation of English Trademark 浅析商贸英语中英语商标的翻译.doc

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PAGE 1 A Brief Analysis of the Translation of English Trademark ABSTRACT Trademark is a bridge connecting customers and products or services, which is a gold card of products. So it is very important to do it well in the translation of English trademark during business communication. In the circulation of commodities, the trademark is a symbol of their products. It has become an important way to advertise their products and establish a good corporate image. They use trademarks to develop the potential of their company and promote the trade in international market. Preferring to some translation instances of English trademark at home and abroad, this thesis concluded some main characteristics, and talked about some principles in translating the trademarks to do the translation correctly, faithfully and accurately and enhance the competitiveness of goods and help enterprises to obtain good economic. A good trademark is to maintain the original cultural connotation of translation at the same times brings cultural differences to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, to adapt to consumer psychology, left a deep impression to customers to achieve sales success. Key words: English trade mark; translation features; translation method 摘 要 商标是联系客户和产品或服务的桥梁,是产品的“黄金名片”,在商贸交流中,对英语商标的翻译具有极其重要的意义。在商品流通中,商标是代表商品的符号。借助商标宣传商品,树立良好企业形象,已成为各国挖掘国际市场潜力和促进国际贸发展的重要途径。通过观察研究国内外典型的英语商标翻译个案,本文总结了商标翻译的几种主要的特点,并探讨英语商标翻译的原则,以达到正确、忠实、准确的商标翻译,增强商品竞争力,帮助企业取得良好经济效益。好的商标翻译在保持原有文化内涵的同时应避免文化差异带来的不必要的误解,适应消费者的心理,给顾客留下深刻的印象,从而达到销售的佳绩。 关键词:英语商标;翻译特点;翻译方法 Contents  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc291069852 Ⅰ.Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc291069852 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc291069853 Ⅱ.The properties of trademarks  PAGEREF _Toc291069853 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc291069854 2.1 Cultural properties of trademark  PAGEREF _Toc291069854 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc291069855 2.2 The importance of trademark translation  PAGEREF _Toc291069855 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc291069856 III.



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