A Preliminary Study on Strategies of translating the slogans in English advertising into Chinese 英语广告口号翻译技巧探析.doc

A Preliminary Study on Strategies of translating the slogans in English advertising into Chinese 英语广告口号翻译技巧探析.doc

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PAGE  A Preliminary Study on Strategies of translating the slogans in English advertising into Chinese 英语广告口号翻译技巧探析 论文摘要 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,越来越多的企业跻身国际市场,参与国际竞争。因此,广告翻译的重要性与日俱增,已成为商界参与国际市场竞争的重要手段。然而,广告中的口号具有宣传鼓动和加深印象的作用,它能维持一则广告的连续性。好的广告口号,广为流传,持续多年,使消费者对商品和企业形成固定的良好印象。 这一研究宗旨在归纳总结出英语广告口号的一些翻译技巧。作者在大量的英语广告口号和其相应的翻译中做语言上的初步对比分析。在这一过程中,作者希望得出英语广告口号翻译领域里切实可行的翻译技巧。 本论文包括四部分。第一部分,论述归纳广告及广告口号的定义,以及翻译英语广告口号的总体原则。在第二部分,作者在广告口号语言特征上做分析,分别从词汇及句法着手。第三部分,作者就英语广告口号本身的特征分析它们各自的翻译技巧。主要的翻译方法为直译及意译。然而,在意译的翻译方法中作者总结出四种适合英语广告口号的翻译技巧:(1)巧用汉字的四字结构,(2) 扩展词或句子为一句话,(3)适应性及意译,(4)借用汉语的熟悉表达方式。第四部分,作者将就分析数据提出广告口号翻译上的几点建议。最后,综述本研究。 这一研究表明,广告口号的翻译是一个细致的问题。但如果领会到目标语言的习惯,迎合目标语言人们的审美心理,还是可以总结出恰当的翻译方法的。 通过这一研究,作者意在了解英语广告口号的翻译特征并把总结出的翻译技巧应用到今后的翻译实践中。 关键词:广告口号,翻译标准,翻译方法 Abstract Advertising is one of the marketing strategies in the international business activities. Advertisement exists everywhere and influences us everyday. So the translation of advertising becomes more and more important. However, the advertising slogan has the function of stimulation and propagandizing. And it also deepens the impression of the products. The slogan can maintain a piece of advertisement continuous. The good slogan spreads widely, continues many years. It can make the consumers form a fixed good image to both the productions and the enterprises. Therefore, it is very important and meaningful to know the linguistic features of English advertising slogan and its translation strategies. The research aims to explore some strategies of translating English advertising slogan. A preliminary study is to be made on the basis of linguistic and cultural features of English advertising slogan. In the process of analyzing, the author wants to draw a conclusion of the applicable translation skills and strategies in the field of English advertising slogan translation. The research consists of four parts. In the first part, the author will search the definition of advertising and its slogan as well as some general translation prin



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