On Characteristics and Skills of Trademark Translation 论商标翻译的特点与技巧.doc

On Characteristics and Skills of Trademark Translation 论商标翻译的特点与技巧.doc

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PAGE  PAGE 15 On Characteristics and Skills of Trademark Translation Outline 1. Introduction 2. Characteristics and Principles of Trademark 2.1. Characteristics of trademark 2.1.1 Being Simple and Easy to Pronounce and Memorize 2.1.2 Indicating the Product’s Characteristics 2.1.3 Being Distinctive from Similar Products 2.1.4 Arousing Desirable Association 2.2. Principles of Trademark 2.2.1 Principle of Innovation 2.2.2 Principle of Localization 2.2.3 Principle of Aesthetics 3. Translation of trademark 3.1 Transliteration 3.2 Liberal translation 3.3 Combination of transliteration and liberal translation 3.3.1 Representing Sound and Deducing Meaning 3.3.2 Combination of Sound and Meaning 3.4 Semantic Compensation 3.5 Non-Translation 4. Conclusion On the Characteristics and Skills of Trademark Translation [Abstract] Trademark being a mark of a commodity,trademark language is developing at the rapidest and the most prominent speed .Besides, trademark has direct effects on people’s daily life in many aspects and with the social progress and economic development, the effects will become stronger. Being a tool serving economy, the translation of trademark is becoming more and more important. This paper will discuss the characteristics of trademark translation and explore the skills in response. After research ,the final translation of trademark needs comprehensive ability including language, culture and art as well as creativity and imagination. [Keywords] trademark; trademark principle; trademark translation; trademark skills 论商标翻译的特点与技巧 [摘要] 商标是商品的标记。商标词语是当今语言使用中发展变化最快、最突出的用语;它通过多种渠道直接影响人们的日常生活,随着社会的发展和经济的繁荣其影响回日益扩大。因而商标翻译成为一个重要课题。本文从不同方面略谈了商标的特点及相应的技巧。商标翻译的特点表明商标翻译需要译者的语言、文化、艺术的综合能力,更需要译者的创造性和想象力。 [关键词] 商标;商标翻译;商标原则;商标技巧 1. Introduction Trademark, a brand of a commodity, is both a sharp weapon for an enterprise to publicize and promote its products and a guide for the consumers to recognize or purchase its commodities. And its advertising reactions have be


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