The application of literal and liberal translations in practice 直译与意译及其在实践中的应用.doc

The application of literal and liberal translations in practice 直译与意译及其在实践中的应用.doc

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PAGE  PAGE 10 The application of literal and liberal translations in practice 直译与意译及其在实践中的应用 Introduction Translation virtually is the transforming of the content of thought delivered in one language into another language in an accurate and intact way. It is messages’ conversion between two different languages. English-Chinese translation is to turn the content expressed in English or Chinese into the other one, and to build a bridge of culture and ideology between the two groups of languages’ users. During this process, the translators have to know the two languages and the culture of the two countries well, be good at handle the internal logic between the two languages, and succeed to find the best bonding point of their expressing styles and grammar customs. There are great differences between English and Chinese. And literal translation and liberal translation are two important methods we can take when we turn one language into the other. Both of these two ways of translation are independent while accompany with each other. Taking the right way of translation at the opportune moment is difficult, and experts have debated for a long time that which way should be taken in translation practice. In some situation, there is no problem in how to translate, take this sentence for example, “I like this movie.” It can be translated into “我喜欢这个电影.” It comes into being the same consequence in both translating ways. But the great differences between English and Chinese give rise to two choices when translating, and one sentence can be translated in both the two ways. This situation would introduce a question: if both the two ways are suitable, then which one should be chosen? We should answer this question in a wider range. There is no valuable significance to talk about liberal or literal translation without the consideration of the factors such as context, register, type of literature, the readers, and so on. Gu Zhengkun, a professor from Peking Universit



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