A Study on Proverbs’ Translation from Functional Equivalence Theory.doc

A Study on Proverbs’ Translation from Functional Equivalence Theory.doc

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基于功能对等理论英汉谚语翻译及文化缺失现象的研究 摘 要:谚语是熟语的一种。是流传于民间的比较简练而且言简意赅的话语。多数反映了劳动人民的生活实践经验,而且一般都是经过口头传下来的。它多是口语形式的通俗易懂的短句或韵语。谚语可称得上是语言中的精华,但是在英汉互译过程中,谚语由于其承载的文化信息和其约定俗成的意思,经常会给译者带来一定的理解困难或理解错误。虽然,在功能对等翻译理论的指导下,我们可以按照功能对等理论翻译原则译出大多数谚语的近似对等意思,但在翻译这些谚语的同时有时会失去了源谚语所要传递的文化信息。本文将从谚语的来源,功能对等理论,及在此理论下英汉谚语的翻译等方面进行研究,从而提醒译者在运用功能对等翻译理论翻译谚语时应避免产生文化缺失现象,尽可能地使译文达到传递民族文化信息的目的。 关键字:功能对等???论,英汉谚语翻译;文化缺失现象 A Study on Proverbs’ Translation from Functional Equivalence Theory Abstract: Proverb is a kind of sayings. Proverb is made up of the concise and comprehensive words which win a great popularity among the folk lives. The most of them reflect the lives and experience of the laboring people gained from practical activities. They are inherited from generation to generation orally. So they are mostly spoken in the form of easy phrases or rhymes. Proverbs are the precious fruits of the language. However, translators are always making some errors or misunderstandings on translation of proverbs due to their own cultural information and fixed conventions. Based on the functional equivalence translation theory, we can translate the basic meaning of such proverbs approximately, but unfortunately, we fail to transfer those proverbs’ cultural information into translation at the same time. This article will do research on the source of proverb, the functional equivalence translation theory and translation of proverbs, and so on, for purpose of reminding the translators of the cultural information loss in the use of functional equivalence translation theory so that they can avoid making mistakes of cultural transmission on proverbs’ translation. In this way, we will have a better translation which is more identified with the original meaning. Key words: source of proverbs; Functional equivalence theory; translation of proverbs; culture loss Introduction Both English and Chinese are highly advanced languages which bear a great number of proverbs. They are the treasures created by our human beings over the


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