An Analysis of Amir’s Characters in the Kite Runner.doc

An Analysis of Amir’s Characters in the Kite Runner.doc

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 PAGE 8 An Analysis of Amir’s Characters in the Kite Runner Abstract: This thesis focuses on the characters of Amir in the novel named The Kite Runner written by an international bestselling American novelist, Khaled Hossenini. This thesis is aimed to find out the detailed characters of the leading roles and analyze its characters’ formation causes, by the methods of comparison, exemplification and comprehension analysis through their behaviors and words in the novel. This thesis gets the conclusions:1) Judging from his guilt to Hassan and the saving to the son of Hassan, getting that Amir is a kind man in the bottom of his heart. Also he is a selfish man from what he has done to Hassan. But at last, his saving to the son of Hassan illustrates his character of adamancy; 2) The formation causes of his character are related to his family, especially his father. Key words: characters;causes;analyze 浅析在《追风筝的人》中阿米尔性格 摘 要: 本论文集中在于分析在《追风筝的人》中,???人公阿米尔的人物性格及其性格形成的原因,此书是有美国畅销书作家卡勒德.胡塞尼撰写。此篇论文目的在于通过比较,列举,理解的方法来分析主人公性格及性格形成的原因得出了一下两点结论:其一,从阿米尔对哈桑的愧疚以及后来不惜牺牲自己的生命来挽救哈桑的儿子可以看出从本质来说,阿米尔是一个心地善良的人,同时他也是个很自私的人,及其所能的捉弄哈桑。但是最后,我们看到了阿米尔的勇敢和坚强。冒着枪林弹雨从塔利班手中救出了哈桑的儿子。其二,关于阿米尔性格形成的因素很大成分取决于父亲对他的影响。 关键词:性格;原因;分析 Contents  TOC \* MERGEFORMAT 1. Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc229720016 \h 1 2. An Analysis of Amir’s Characters 2 2.1 His Kindness and the Causes of His Kindness 2 2.2.His Selfishiness and the Causes of His Selfishness 4 2.3. His Adanmancy and the Causes of His Selishness 6 3. Conclusion 7 Bibliography 8 Acknowledgments 9  An Analysis of Amir’s Characters in the Kite Runner 1. Introduction The Kite Runner is the story of a young boy, Amir, struggling to establish a closer rapport with his father and coping with memories of a haunting childhood event. The novel is set in Afghanistan, from the fall of the monarchy until the collapse of the Taliban regime, and in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically in Fremont, California. Its many themes include


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