Comparison of “the Lost Generation” and “the Beat Generation”---Analysis from Novels of Hemingway and Kerouac.doc

Comparison of “the Lost Generation” and “the Beat Generation”---Analysis from Novels of Hemingway and Kerouac.doc

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第  PAGE 14 页 “迷茫的一代”与“垮掉的一代”的对比—以海明威与凯鲁亚克的小说为例 Comparison of “the Lost Generation” and “the Beat Generation”Analysis from Novels of Hemingway and Kerouac Abstract: The Lost Generation and the Beat Generation are two different schools of literature movements, which appeared in different periods. One occurred in the First World War, the other in the Second World War. These two hold different views and literal thoughts. These two schools have different representatives and use various styles to advocate for their own age. Hemingway and his novel The Sun Also Rises, spoke for the Lost Generation; Kerouac and his book On the Road, spoke for the Beat Generation, which vividly showed what the life was like after the wars, and how terrible the influences brought to the two generations. Both of the two writers were myth in their own time and also myth in American literature. This essay compared the Lost Generation and the Beat Generation by analyzing two important works of their times,aiming at letting the readers know further about the two generations. Key words: The Sun Also Rises; On the Road; Lost Generation; Beat Generation 摘要: “迷茫的一代”与“垮掉的一代”是发生在不同时期的两次文学运动的不同流派。“迷茫的一代”出现于第一次世界大战,而“垮掉的一代”则出现在第二次世界大战。这两个文学运动的代表作家持有不同的观点,不同的文学思潮。它们各自有各自的代表,并且他们的代表作家使用不同的写作风格来代言他们自己的时代。海明威与他的小说《太阳照常升起》为“迷茫的一代”代言;而凯鲁亚克与他《在路上》则成为了“垮掉的一代”的代言。这两位作家的作品生动逼真地展现了战后的生活,以及战争带给两代人那些可怕糟糕的影响。这两位作家都是他们时代的神话,同时也是美国文学史上的神话。本论文通过分析两时期的两部作品,对迷茫的一代以及垮掉的一代进行比较,旨在让读者近一步地了解迷茫的一代和垮掉的一代。 关键词: 《太阳照常升起》;《在路上》;迷茫的一代;垮掉的一代 Contents I. Introduction…………………………………………...……………1 II. Introduction to the Author and Works……………………………. 1 A. Ernest Hemingway and the Sun Also Rises…………………………..……..1 1. Ernest Hemingway……………………………………………………1 2. The Sun Also Rises………………………………………………………2 B. Jack Kerouac and On the Road……………………………………………3 1. Jack Kerouac……………………………………………………………4 2. On the Road………………………………………………………..……4 III. Introduction to the Lost Generation and the Beat Generation….5 A. The Lost Generation………………………………………………



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