Contrasting Analysis of Personality in Notre Dame De Paris 英语论文.doc

Contrasting Analysis of Personality in Notre Dame De Paris 英语论文.doc

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Contrasting Analysis of Personality in Notre Dame De Paris Abstract: Notre Dame de Paris is one of the representative works written by Victor Marie Hugo,a romantic writer in the 19th century.In the Preface to Cramwell ,Hugo put forward a writing principle of contrast between the beautiful and ugly,between the noble and the neligible.The principle of comparison between beauty and ugliness is the core of Hugos romantic idea.Notre Dame de Paris is the representative work of Hugo and it reflects this principle from the beginning to the end.By comparison,the author created a group of character images,and these images make the comparison between virtue and evil,beauty and ugliness distinct.Therefore,the the theme of the work is moe clear.This principle runs through the whole novel,mainly expressed in the following aspects :contrast between backgrounds,plots,scenes,the beautiful and the ugly in the different stages.By using many methods,Hugo,based on the principle of contrast,orgnized a colourful and varied plots and portrayed characters full of distinctive disposition.This novel reveals the struggle between light and dark of French society in 15th century,and expresses his writing kennel?the humanitarian thought based on love.The application of contrast,one of rhetorical figures,usually produces very good effect on expression of feelings and meanings.The sharp conrast of beauty and ugliness in Notre—Dame de Paris has an important effect on developing the plot of a story,portraying typical characters and expressing the authors feelings. Key Words : Contrast ; Analysis ; personality ?. Introduction ? Contrast,or comparision means two opposite things or two aspects of a thing were put together,then make a contrast. It can be the contrast either two kinds of people or between two different people,each other sets off by contrast. As an art contrast,it can show its advantage more intense,stronger than reality life. Moreover,it breaks the limit of time and space. It combi


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