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Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear. 忠言逆耳 To distinguish right from wrong. 明辨是非 Its easy to know mens faces, but not their hearts. 知人知面不知心 The golden rule 金科玉律 To go through fire and water. 赴汤蹈火 To have one foot in the grave. 风烛残年 To apprehend danger in every sound. 风声鹤泪草木皆兵 Remember the past and it will guide your future. 前事不忘后事之师 The outsider sees the best of the game. 旁观者清 To have a bad time. 时运不济 All roads lead to Rome. 殊途同归 To share ones joys and sorrows. 同甘共苦 More brave than wise. 有勇无谋 If you wish to be the best man, you must be prepared to suffer the bitterest of the bitter. 吃得苦中苦方为人上人 To be at the end of ones patience. 忍无可忍 A flying visit. 走马看花 To nip a thing in the bud. 防患于未然 Worse off than some, better off than many 比上不足,比下有余 to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst * 四字词组翻译 四字词组是汉语的一大特色及优势,它结构严 谨,言简意赅,音节优美,富有感情色彩,因此受 到广大人们的喜爱。 汉语拥有纷繁的“四字格”词组。它涵意深刻 结构型短小,生命力旺盛,表现力强。 四字格有两大类:一类是汉语成语,因袭定型,词序固定,不能随意拆散或组合;另一类是普通词语,结构松散,可以根据一定的语境灵活组合。 四字格的英译汉 我们所讲的“四字格”词组,是广义的概念,包括成语和非成语。从内容上讲,“四字格”词组言简意赅;从形式上讲,它整齐均称;从语音上讲,它顺口悦耳。如“振笔疾书”、“满脸堆笑”、“洗劫一空”。 “四字格”在译文中如果运用得当,不但使译文大为增色,而且能发挥“锦上添花”的作用。 四字格汉译英 四字词语两部分的语法关系可以是 主谓、动宾、偏正或并列。因此,四字 词组可以分为主谓词组、动宾词组、 偏正词组或并列词组。 四字词语的翻译 四字格的翻译策略: 直译:概念意义与文化意义完全相同的这类成语能够直译。 例如1、处理人民内部的矛盾,必须坚持和风细雨的方法,坚持“团结-批评-团结”的方法。 It is essential to persist in using methods as mild as a drizzle and as gentle as a breeze, and to adhere to the formula of “unity-criticism-unity”, in dealing with contradictions among the people. 四字词语的翻译 例2、这女子如“槁木死灰”一般,对其他事物一概不问…… The lady was no better off than withered wood or cold ashes, taking no interest in the outside world… 四字词语的翻译 画饼充饥 Draw cakes to allay hunger. 剖腹藏珠 Cut open your stomach to hide a pearl 外强中干 Outwardly strong but inwardly weak 礼尚往来 Courtesy requires reciprocity 刻骨铭心 To be engraved on one’s heart and bo


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