Edgar Allen Poe and His Short Story——“The Fall of the House of Usher”25.doc

Edgar Allen Poe and His Short Story——“The Fall of the House of Usher”25.doc

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第  PAGE 18 页 共  NUMPAGES 18 页 爱伦坡和他的短篇小说《厄西亚房子的倒塌》 Edgar Allen Poe and His Short Story——“The Fall of the House of Usher” Contents Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….1 1. Introduction of the writer and the story………………………………..…………2 1.1 The Introduction of Edgar Allen Poe………………………….…………...2 1.2 The Introduction of the Story…………………………………….………3 2. The analysis of the Story…………………………………………………………..5 2.1 the current situation about ‘‘The Fall of the House of Usher’’……...……. 5 2.2 The process of the development of the story………………………………..8 2.3 The Analysis of the Story…………………………………………………8 3. Classic Note on The Fall of the House of Usher………………………………….11 4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..16 References……………………………………………………………………………17 Edgar Allen Poe and His Short Story ——“The Fall of the House of Usher” 摘 要:《厄西亚房子的倒塌》是由爱抡坡编写。它是一篇最早最出名的恐怖小说。爱伦坡(1809—1849),是十九世纪美国最出名的作家。他也是侦探小说的鼻祖。在《厄西亚房子的倒塌》中,主人公被他的少年期朋友罗德里克邀请拜访他,因为罗德里克遭受可怕的精神和身体病症。主人公看见了黑暗, 腐朽, 和愚钝的房子。他陪伴朋友几天直到朋友最后埋葬了他的双胞胎姐妹。当妹妹从坟茔逃脱了,迎来了她的兄弟的死亡, 与房子一起的崩溃。爱伦坡用恐怖元素成功地填装了故事: 一个腐朽恐怖的庄园,一个腐朽的庄园住宅、土牢和建筑。为了惊吓他的读者和加强气氛,爱伦坡详细的介绍环境慢慢进入故事。根据作用理论来阐述他的观点, 作用团结取决于细节团结。这个故事细节将帮助说明令人毛骨悚然的结尾和朋友分裂的思想。我希望简要地谈论爱伦坡怎么把他独特的写作特点运用在《厄西亚房子的倒塌》。 关键词:爱伦坡 警示 侦探 恐怖 Abstract :“ The Fall of the House Usher”, written by Edgar Allan Poe, is one of the earliest and most famous of all horror stories. Edgar Allan Poe, (1809-1849), is one of the most famous writer in early 19th century in America. And he is also the one who first published detective stories. In “The Fall of the House Usher”, the narrator was invited by his boyhood friend Roderick Usher to visit him, since Roderick Usher was suffering from a terrible mental and bodily illness. The Narrator saw the dark, decayed, and dull house. He accompanied Usher for the next few days until Usher finally buried his twin sister Madeline. As the Madeline escaped from the tomb, came the death of his brother, along with the collapse of the house. Poe filled successfully t



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