The Research of Humanity’s Role in Revenge ——A Comparison of Hamlet and Heathcliff20.doc

The Research of Humanity’s Role in Revenge ——A Comparison of Hamlet and Heathcliff20.doc

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The Research of Humanity’s Role in Revenge ——A Comparison of Hamlet and Heathcliff Abstract: The western vengeance literature traces a long time ago. From the Holmes, tragedies in ancient Greek to plays in the Renaissance time, to realistic novels in the 19th century, the western vengeance literature has never lost its charm. With the viewpoint of comparative literature, this paper aims to give a detailed comparison between the characters of two actors in Hamlet and Wuthering Heights, which will not only provide a clear picture of the role human natures play in the revenges and different consequences they bring about, but also make a conclusion of the research value of these two works, namely the thought on human natures when one has a full bosom of hatred. Key words: Hamlet; Heathcliff; revenge; humanity 人性在复仇中所扮演的角色 ——哈姆雷特及希斯克里夫的性格比较 摘要:西方的复仇文学源远流长,从荷马史诗、古希腊悲剧到文艺复兴时期的戏剧,再到19世纪现实主义文学小说,复仇文学一直保持着满目辉煌的样态。本文将致力于运用比较文学的方法在深入剖析《哈姆雷特》和《呼啸山庄》中男主人公的个性分析的基础上,探究其异同,希望通过对比能分析人性在复仇背后的作用,及其引起的不同的结果,总结两部作品传递的研究价值,以反思面对仇恨时对人性的思考。 关键词:哈姆雷特;希斯克里夫;复仇;人性 The Research of Humanity’s Role in Revenge ——A Comparison of Hamlet and Heathcliff 1. Introduction William Shakespeare is one of remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever known. His works have kept coming out in large quantities and we know Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. Hamlet, the first of the great tragedies, is generally regarded as Shakespeare’s most popular play on the stage. Wuthering Heights was Emily Bronte’s only novel. Since its publication in 1847, many critics have made different comments on this work. Yet the fact remains that this mysterious novel has occupied a very important position in English literature. It is certainly one of the most extraordinary books which human genius has ever produced. The novel is a cry of despairing agony wrung from Emily by life itself. It is the life of the mid-Victorian England, experience by



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