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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2015年4月30日雅思写作真题解析与自撰范文 Task1 The maps describe the change of a city from 1965 to 2018. 题目解析: 本次考试小作文为地图题,基本延续了每月考一次流程图或地图的 趋势,类型为常规的时间变迁类,即强调多个时间点的地形地貌差异的 对比。烤鸭们需要留意第二幅图包括现在的布局(实线框)和未来的规 划(虚线框),即会用到将来时。(图片根据网友回忆所画,仅供参考 ) 自撰范文: The two pictures illustrate the layout of a particular city from 1965 to 2015 and its proposed changes in 2018. It is noticeable that the urban area has changed considerably in terms of an increase of the local population and a decline of the woodland coverage. Also, a number of transport infrastructures have been and areplanned to be built by the end of the period. There is a river Tam that crosses the city from north to south, with a tributary joining into the mainstream from the west. Some trees covered the northwestern corner of the city in 1965, surrounded by both the branch and the main river. Situated on the east side of the river Tam, a few houses ashore actually occupied only one fourth of the land. At present, the forest has been replaced by a car park adjacent to the confluence of the rivers, while the housing area has doubled in size. A new bridge has been added to the upper reaches of the river, and another foot bridge to the south. Two more car parks are expected to be built ashore by 2018, with one locating in the centre of the residential area and the other to the south. (204 words, band 7) TASK 2 题目 In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages outweigh the disa dvantages?(在一些国家,越来越多的成年人选择继续和父母住在一 起,即使他们已经完成学业并且找到工作。这一现象的好处是否大于坏 处?) 话题 社会类 题型 双边讨论 题目解析: 这次考试大作文为社会类,探讨年轻人毕业工作后与父母住一起的 现象,与4月25日考的犯罪类同属社会问题。由此可以很明显地看出雅 思写作的命题规律,即重视对热点社会问题的关注和思考。 提纲: 五段结构 开头段:点出这一社会现象,并表明观点,认为弊大于利。 第二段:弊端1,和父母住会导致个人隐私受影响,因为影响社会 生活和朋友圈。 第三段:弊端2,和父母住,没有做家务的机会,将来独立生活会 遇到困难。 第四段:优点1,和父母住,节省开支,不用租房或支付账单,利 用节省的钱投资或为将来成家立业做准备。反驳:生活压力的减少可能 造成奋斗的决心和毅力不足,难以实现理想或拥有更好的生活。 结尾段:总结全文,再次表明观点弊大于利。 自撰范文: It has been a self-evident truth t


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