Algebra ICM 2006 – Posters. Abstracts. Section 02 On generalized left derivations in rings.pdf
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Algebra ICM 2006 – Posters. Abstracts. Section 02 On generalized left derivations in rings
ICM 2006
Section 02
ICM 2006 – Posters. Abstracts. Section 02
On generalized left derivations in rings
Shakir Ali
Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16W25, 16N60, 16U80
Throughout the discussion, unless otherwise mentioned, R denotes an asso-
ciative ring(may be without unity)with center Z(R). An additive mapping
F : R ?→ R is called a generalized derivation on R if there exists a deriva-
tion d : R ?→ R such that F (xy) = F (x)y+xd(y), holds for all x, y ∈ R. An
additive mapping G : R ?→ R is called a generalized left derivation on R if
there exists a left derivation δ : R ?→ R such that G(xy) = xG(y)+ yδ(x),
holds for all x, y ∈ R.
In this article, we introduce the notion of generalized left derivations
and obtained some recent results on generalized derivations to generalized
left derivation. The main result state as follows:
Theorem. Let R be a prime ring and I a non-zero ideal of R. Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
(i) If R admits a generalized left derivation G associated with a non-zero
left derivation δ such that G(xy) ? xy ∈ Z(R) or G(xy) + xy ∈ Z(R) for
all x, y ∈ I
(ii) If R admits a generalized left derivation G associated with a non-zero
left derivation δ such that G(xy) ? yx ∈ Z(R) or G(xy) + yx ∈ Z(R) for
all x, y ∈ I
(iii) R is commutative.
In addition, we also established some related results and discuss some
examples which demonstrates that R to be prime is essential in the hypoth-
esis of our result.
ICM 2006 – Madrid, 22-30 August 2006 1
ICM 2006 – Posters. Abstracts. Section 02
On universal central extensions of precrossed and crossed
Daniel Arias*, Jose? Manuel Casas, Manuel Ladra
Departamento de Matema?ticas, Universidad de Leo?n, Campus de Vegazana,
Leo?n, E-24071, Spain
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20J05, 18G50
The notion of universal extension was introduced by Kervaire in [