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? 2012 ANSYS, Inc. March 21, 2013 1 Release 14.5 14.5 Release Workshop 3.1 ANSYS Aqwa-Line ? 2012 ANSYS, Inc. March 21, 2013 2 Release 14.5 Hull Modelling Can be done in two ways; ? From DM (the recommended way, see WS2.1) ? From *.lin file ? Generates a panel distribution over line offsets – each station starts from lowest point at centre plane. The section does not have to be closed, Aqwa will close the section, and only half the vessel is defined; – all x-coordinates should be the same on each station; – max. 50 points on each station, condense points at high surface change; – input stations (max. 100) from stern to bow, – only two stations are needed to define a parallel mid-body section. ? 2012 ANSYS, Inc. March 21, 2013 3 Release 14.5 ...Hull Modelling Start the AqwaGS (AGS) from Programs ANSYS 14.0 Aqwa AqwaGS Plots → Select → Lines Plan → File (in Lines Plan Mesh Generation window) → browse to find the *.lin file to be opened; tanker.lin Select Plot Lines (in Lines Plan Mesh Generation window) to show offset curves. Select Generate Mesh to display the panels The draft may be varied by setting the WLZ coord at x=x1. If longitudinal trim is required set a different value for WLZ coord at x=xn. ? 2012 ANSYS, Inc. March 21, 2013 4 Release 14.5 ...Hull Modelling The COG should be set to vertically align with the computed COB. Note that the structural mass is automatically computed from the displaced mass, but may be overwritten if required. Mesh size may be selected in the N/Max Size: edit box Aqwa does not explicitly make use of units, but requires consistent unit data. The consistent units being employed may be obtained from the global environment data items, Water density and Acceleration due to Gravity, which can be examined by clicking on the Global menu item ? 2012 ANSYS, Inc. March 21, 2013 5 Release 14.5 ...Hull Modelling Set mesh size to 5, constant draft of 10, and then Generate Mesh Set COG to have the sa


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