B Decays to Hadronic States with CharmCharmonium in BaBar.pdf

B Decays to Hadronic States with CharmCharmonium in BaBar.pdf

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B Decays to Hadronic States with CharmCharmonium in BaBar

a r X i v : h e p - e x / 0 3 0 5 0 4 0 v 1 1 5 M a y 2 0 0 3 B DECAYS TO HADRONIC STATES WITH CHARM/CHARMONIUM IN BABAR G. Vuagnin (for the BABAR Collaboration) INFN Sezione di Trieste, Area di Ricerca, Padriciano 99, 34012 Trieste, ITALY In this paper the studies of three different B decays to hadronic states are presented. These results are based on 1999-2003 dataset collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II e+e? storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The measurements are the hadronic branching fraction of B+ → J/ΨpΛ?, B0 → J/Ψpp?, B0 → D?±D?, and the direct CP -asymmetry in B0 → D0(CP )K? channels. 1 Introduction The decay of B mesons to open charm and charmonium provides an excellent laboratory for the study of hadronic B decays. With about 88 millions of B pairs, the BABAR experiment has collected a sample of data that enable to test models of B decay in more modes and with greater precision than ever before. In this note we present some examples. In section 2 a test on non-relativistic QCD is described. In the next section a measurement of branching fraction and measurements of time-integrated asymmetries in channels suitable for CP violation study are presented. The BABAR detector is described in detail elsewhere 1. Charge conjugation is implied throughout this note. 2 B Decays To Charmonium States The inclusive production of charmonium mesons in B decay at the Υ(4S) shows an excess of J/Ψ mesons at low center-of-mass momentum pCM 2,3,4, when compared to distributions predicted by non-relativistic QCD calculations 5. Some hypothesis have been proposed to explain the sources of the excess: an intrinsic 6 charm component of the B, the production of an sd?g hybrid 7 in conjunction with a J/Ψ, or the possibility that the excess comes from decays of the type B → J/Ψ baryon anti-baryon 8. The rate of these decays could be enhanced by the intermediate production of an exotic state allowed by QCD but not yet observed. In this section we p


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