B Lambda_b and Charm Results from the Tevatron.pdf

B Lambda_b and Charm Results from the Tevatron.pdf

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B Lambda_b and Charm Results from the Tevatron

a r X i v : h e p - e x / 0 3 0 9 0 0 5 v 2 2 S e p 2 0 0 3 Physics in Collision - Zeuthen, Germany, June 26-28, 2003 B, Λb and Charm Results from the Tevatron Farrukh Azfar Oxford University, Particle Physics Sub-department, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK ABSTRACT Recent results on Bd, B ± u , Bs, Λb and Charm hadrons are reported from ≈ 75pb ?1 and ≈ 40 pb?1 of data accumulated at the upgraded CDF and D0 experiments at the Fermilab Tevatron p??p collider, during Run-II. These include lifetime and mass measurements of B and Charm hadrons, searches for rare decays in charm and B hadrons and CP-violation in Charm decays. Results relevant to CP-violation in B-decays are also reported. 1 1 Tevatron p? p? collider and performance during Run-II The Tevatron p ? p? collider is being used for extended data-taking for the second time in 10 years. During the period between 1992 and 1996 (Run-I) an integrated luminosity of 110pb?1 was delivered; the goals for the current period starting May 2001 (Run-II) are 2 fb?1, which is a × 20 increase over Run-I. The upgrades for Run- II consist of a new injection stage delivering more protons, an increased p? transfer efficiency and a p? recycler (undergoing commisioning) that uses remaining p? from the previous store. A table of Run-I and Run-II operating parameters is given in table 1. The peak luminosity, though improving, is still × 4 below target. Table 1: Tevatron Performance Improvement Run-I vs. Run-II. Collision Rate Bunches Center of Mass Energy Peak Luminosity Run-I: 3.5μs (Run-I) 6x6 1.8 TeV/c2 2.4x1031 Run-II: 396 ns 36x36 1.96 Tev/c2 4.4x1031 2 B Physics at Hadron Colliders: The CDF and D0 Detectors The bb? production cross section σ(bb?) is ≈ 150μb at p? p? at the Tevatron, 1 nb at the Υ(4s) and 7 nb at the Z0. All B-hadrons are produced at the Tevatron (unlike the B factories), the drawback being the inelastic cross section which is 1000×σ(bb?) making online data selection crucial. The CDF [1] and D0 detectors [2


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