Basic Principles of MPC for Power Converters_ Bridging theGap Between Theory and Practice.pdf

Basic Principles of MPC for Power Converters_ Bridging theGap Between Theory and Practice.pdf

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Basic Principles of MPC for Power Converters_ Bridging theGap Between Theory and Practice

september 2015 ■ IEEE IndustrIal ElEctronIcs magazInE 311932-4529/15?2015IEEE Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2014.2356600 Date of publication: 21 September 2015 T his article presents the basic principles of op- eration for model pre- dictive control (MPC), a control methodology that opens a new world of opportunities. MPC is a powerful technique that can ful- fill the increased performance and higher efficiency demands of power converters today. The main features of this technique are presented as well as the MPC strategy and basic el- ements. The two main MPC methods for power converters [continuous- control-set MPC (CCS-MPC) and fi- nite-control-set MPC (FCS-MPC)] are described, and their application to a voltage-source inverter (VSI) is shown to illustrate their capabilities. This article tries to bridge the gap between the powerful but sometimes abstract techniques developed by re- searchers in the control community and the empirical approach of power electronics practitioners. The control of power converters and drives has become a relevant topic in the last decade. The existing control methodologies range from those based on the conventional proportional-integral controller com- bined with pulse-width modulation (PWM) to newer control methods, such as fuzzy, sliding mode, or adaptive control, which need much more cal- culation power. Recently, MPC has attracted the interest of the research and academic communities, thanks to its optimization capabilities. MPC is a well-known control strategy that has been used in several fields of engin- eering. Although MPC was born in the framework of industrial process con- trol [1], in recent years, it has been ap- plied to a wide variety of fields such as energy, bioengineering, robotics, and aerospace [2]. Today, its application to ?/ayzek Basic Principles of MPC for Power Converters Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice CArLOs bOrDONs and CArLOs mONterO 32 IEEE Ind



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