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Canadian Coal Deposits -Luise Vogler
Canadian Coal Deposits
Luise Vogler
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Abstract. In Canada and around the world you can find coal as a valuable and
abundant fossil fuel resource. The origin goes back to 300 million years ago. It
was a carbon-rich mineral resource which was formed as organic plant matter
decayed and compressed. It was altered by geological processes over millions of
years. It is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that is extracted from the
ground by open-pit surface mining or underground mining. Today, coal remains
an enormously important fuel because it generates the largest single source of
electricity worldwide. It also helps produce over 70 % of the world`s steel and is
used by other industrial processes like cement manufacturing.
Today Canada is richly loaded with coal. Its coal resources are very distributed
and have diverse attributes. The diversity in the nation`s coal resources puts
Canada in a strong position to respond positively to coal developement
opportunities as national and international coal requirements change.
Coal-bearing strata are found in many areas of Canada, from coastal British
Columbia in the west, to the Atlantic Provinces in the east, and in Northern
Canada (Figure 1). These strata range in age from Devonian to Tertiary, and the
coals range in rank from lignitic to anthracitic.
2 Luise Vogler
Fig.1. Distribution of coal in Canada (modified after Smith, 1989).
The nature of coal occurrences and characteristics vary from region to region.
These differences result from the varying types of vegetation from which the coal
originated; the depths of storage, and the temperatures and pressures at those
depths; as well as the length of time the coal has been forming in the deposit. The
varying amount of mineral matter in a coal deposit may also have a significant
effect on its properties and classification.
The major coal resources in eastern Canada are of Late Carboniferous age, like
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