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Celebrate Spring with a Favorite Tale!
Fuhler Walther Spring 2008 Book List, Page 1
Celebrate Spring with a Favorite Tale!
Compiled and Annotated by: Carol J. Fuhler and Maria P. Walther
Authors of
Literature Is Back! The Best Books for Teaching Readers and Writers Across Genres
(Scholastic, 2007)
Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
Picture Books for the Primary Grades
Aston, D. H. (2006). An egg is quiet. (S. Long, Illus.). San Francisco: Chronicle.
(Gr. K-2)
Whether you’re looking for a book of interesting facts about eggs or a mentor text to teach the
use of descriptive adjectives, this book is a must for your collection. Aston’s flowing narrative is
enhanced by Long’s delicate watercolor illustrations. You might consider inviting students to use
Aston’s pattern to write their own text such as “A Flower is …” or “A Dinosaur is…”
Bunting, E. (2007). Hurry! Hurry! (J. Mack, Illus.). Orlando: Harcourt.
(Preschool- Gr. 1)
The barnyard is buzzing with excitement when hen exclaims, “Hurry! Hurry!” Hen is followed
to the barn by enthusiastic animals and their young to welcome the newest member of the farm
family. Careful readers will notice that they can predict the next animal to join the fun by closely
examining the illustrations where Mack has cleverly placed the animal in the background. Once
you’ve enjoyed this book for pleasure, return to it to teach the use of an exclamation mark.
Friend, C. (2007). The perfect nest. (J. Manders, Illus.). Cambridge, MA: Candlewick.
(Gr. K-2)
Jack, the crafty farm cat, wants an omelet. Therefore, he builds the perfect nest to attract an egg-
laying chicken. Much to Jack’s surprise, he entices a Spanish-speaking chicken, a French-
speaking duck, and a goose who hollers, “Great balls of fire!” Once they lay their eggs, Jack
anticipates his tasty meals and chases the foul away only to find himself the parent to three needy
baby birds.
Harrington, J. N. (2007). The chicken-chasing queen of Lamar County. (S. Jacks
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