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繁为简、化难为易、化抽象为具体的作用,便于学生理解记 忆,同时,电子教案的使用也减轻f教师的劳动强度。 分析。其优点是:教师操作简单,包含信息量大,形式 多样,多维呈现,立体感强,通过精美的画面、动态的图解 演示,刺激人体的多种感觉器官。达到整合作用。有助于学 生对重点、难点的理解和记忆,有助于提高教学效果。缺点 是:需要多媒体相应的硬件设备,以及制作质量较高且适合 本学科教学的课件,这就要求教师在具备医学专业知识的 同时,还必须具备一定的计算机操作能力和多媒体制作能 力,熟悉多媒体软件的使用。这样,才能制作出适合本学科 的高质鼍的课件,才能发挥多媒体教学的优势。 随着教育改革的发展,教学手段的不断提高,教学模式 和方法也不断发生着变化,以往教学中以“教师”为中心的 模式正逐步向以“学生”为中心转变,因此,在教学中采用 何种教学方法,就必须根据学生的具体情况,选用合适的教 学方法.灵活运用,不可拘泥一法、墨守成规,生搬硬套反 而会影响教学效果。只有这样,才能提高教学质量,才能培 养学生的基本能力。才能有利于学生素质的提高。 Charlotte Bronte。s Feminine ConscIoUSneSS In Jane匕iBmlVre ● ■ ■ 程艳/包头轻工职业技术学院 [Abstract]With the development of women 1iterature inl 9th century,Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte.a great female writer of contemporary British society.had been paid much attention by public since 1ts publication。1t{s a autobiographical novel which mainly tells an orphan‘s story which reflected British women’s miserable situation.and also express their strong desires to break away from men。s oppression and sex discrimlnation.And in such work the author still analyzed women’s miserable destiny from a womans angle.This paper tries to explore the writer‘s feminism consciousness embodied jn this work from the authors experience and the appearance and the main character 1n the novel.Jane Eyre.The purpose of this paper 1s to get a brand—new understanding of femlnism the author want to express through further analysis of Charlotte Bronte and her Jane Eyre. [Key Words]feminism equallty jndependence Chapter I Personal information about Charlotte Bronte 1.1 Growth background about Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Bronte was oneofthe productive English writers in the middle of the 19th century.She had set amilestone in the history of Englishwomenliterature andherworkembodiedhereageme6sforlove andfreedomandconsiderationtowardswomen’sdestinv.Allherachieve- ments would attribute to hergrowth environment and family edueation. Charlotte Bronte was born in apoverty—stricken family,grew up in aremote backward eountry far from city,her father Patr


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