CHATTERBOX BOOK 4(1-2单元).pdf

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PUPIⅡs B●●κ■饯 J■ ^■ H。Iderness 婴 黠曩 口re¤ms 叵彐 1 Listen¤ nd point。 8 g ° ° ° Ask¤ nd¤nsWer. Wh¤tdo you dre¤ rll¤ bout? 躔冂Tobout,¨ Revision∶ P¤ st simpIe Un丨t1 ‘ Yes,’ Cαroline sα id,‘ I cα n see the book。 ? αnd wow!I cα n see robots too!’ Unc1e John lα ughed.‘ We11,we ARE gOing into the futurer ‘ Yippeer sαid Ken1oud1y。 ‘Are we going to meet robots?Cα n they tα1k?’ he αsked。 ‘ Cαn they tαlk in Enghsh?!’ αsked Kα te. ‘Look αtthe cα lendαr,’ Cαroline sα id.‘ IVs 2050r Kαte sα id∶ ‘ We reα lly αre in the future now, Unc1e JOhn.’ 2 山2ior讪“-0Ⅱ小0futur- Kαtei。ughed。 ‘ L♂ok αt Bα rker!’ she sα id, ‘ IΙ e’s upslde-do、 vn αnd he’ s chα s1ng卜 is bone。 Unc1e John sα id/We’re flying through spαce αnd We’re going to NΙ αrs.’ ‘ 。..αnd I sα w the book,’ Uncle John sα id。 ‘Do you remember?I wαnted tO nnd α book 搬 忌耦 汛 祗 E梵 花 瞿 讫 。刑 itis noW on Mα rs。 Look。tthe bα11.? ’ `Vhy αre we going to Ⅳ1αrs?’ αsked Ken。 ‘ `Ve11,’ lUnc1e John sα id,‘yesterdα y I1ooked in rny crystαl bα 11。 ? ’ Unit1 ‘ Oops!’ sαid Ken,`Vhα t is it?’ ‘ ⅣVe’re stopping,’ IJncle John sα id,‘ It’ s2060 ¨ ,αnd we’re on ⅣIαrs,? yes,thα t’ s right,’ ChⅡdren¤round the worId Look¤ nd s¤ y. Br¤ zⅡ → Br¤zi¤ n chdren Egypt ———→) Egypti¤n chdren Austr¤ Ⅱ¤ —→) Austr¤ Ⅱ¤n ChⅡ dren C¤ n¤ d¤ - C¤ n¤ di¤ n chⅡ dren ‘ O。hr Kαte sα id.‘Look αtthαt c北 y!’ ‘ Come on,’ sαid IJncle John.‘ Let’sgo αnd find the BOok OfAdα brα。 ’ 匚彐 3 Listen¤ nd pointto the ChⅡ dren in the right countries. 3 J¤ p¤ n ———→ Chin¤ → Sp¤ ln——⊥) Greece→ J¤ p¤ nese chⅡ dren Chinese chⅡ dren sp¤ nish Chdren Greek ChⅡ dren 蠛 N¤ tionoⅡ ty¤ djectives 4 Unit1 st¤mps Re¤ d。 Helen¤ nd J¤ ne coect st¤ mps,They keep their st¤ mpsin st¤ mp¤丨bums,J¤ ne coects st¤ mps with pictures of¤ nirvl¤ ls onthem,He丨 en coects st¤ mps with pictures off丨 owers on them, Look¤tthe be¤ utifu丨 st¤ mps on this p¤ ge.Most st¤ mps show the n¤ me ofthe countrythey come from.British st¤ mps nevershow the n¤ me‘ Brit¤ in’ butthey¤ 丨w¤ys show¤ picture of Queen EⅡz¤ beth.St¤ mps often show¤ f¤ mou


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