CKM Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics with Charm.ppt

CKM Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics with Charm.ppt

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CKM Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics with Charm Ian Shipsey, Purdue University 1) CKM Physics: Charm’s role in testing the Standard Model description of Quark Mixing CP Violation: Lifetimes Hadronic Decays Leptonic Decays Semileptonic Decays Outline: 2) Physics Beyond the Standard Model D mixing D CP Violation D Rare Decays Outlook conclusion Not covered in this talk: D hadron spectroscopy charmonium see talk of Jin Shan. ?(3770)?D0 D0 D0?K+?-, D0?K-e+? Big Questions in Flavor Physics Dynamics of flavor? Why generations? Why a hierarchy of masses mixings? Origin of Baryogenesis? Sakharov’s criteria: Baryon number violation CP violation Non-equilibrium 3 examples: Universe, kaons, beauty but Standard Model CP violation too small, need additional sources of CP violation. Connection between flavor physics electroweak symmetry breaking? Extensions of the Standard Model (ex: SUSY) contain flavor CP violating couplings that should show up at some level in flavor physics, but precision measurements and precision theory are required to detect the new physics. 2004 The Bd system unitarity triangle is limited by systematic errors from QCD: Form factors in semileptonic (?) decay Decay constants in B mixing D system- the CKM matrix elements are known (tightly constrained to 1% by the unitarity of the matrix). Work back from measurements of absolute rates for leptonic and semileptonic decays yielding decay constants and form factors to test QCD calculations. Precision Quark Flavor Physics: charm’s role In addition as Br(B? D)~100% absolute D branching ratios normalize B physics. Theoretical errors dominate width of bands 2004 precision QCD calculations tested with precision charm data theory errors of a few % on B system decay constants semileptonic form factors 500 fb-1 @ BABAR/Belle Precision theory + charm = large impact + Theoretical errors dominate width of bands 2004 precision QCD calculations tested with precision charm data


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