Contrasting levels of genetic differentiation among populations of wolverines (Gulo gulo) from north.pdf
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Contrasting levels of genetic differentiation among populations of wolverines (Gulo gulo) from north
Contrasting levels of genetic differentiation among populations
of wolverines (Gulo gulo) from northern Canada revealed by
nuclear and mitochondrial loci
Derrick E. Chappell1, Ronald A. Van Den Bussche1,*, Julia Krizan2 Brent Patterson2
1Department of Zoology, Collection of Vertebrates, and Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit,
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA; 2Department of Sustainable Development, Gov-
ernment of Nunavut, Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada XOA OHO; (*Author for correspondence: fax: 405-744-7824;
e-mail: ravdb@)
Received 19 March 2004; accepted 25 May 2004
Key words: conservation genetics, mtDNA structuring, wolverines
Habitat loss, fragmentation, overharvest, and other anthropogenic factors have resulted in population and
distribution declines for North American wolverines (Gulo gulo). Currently, wolverines east of the Hudson
Bay are endangered and possibly extinct, whereas the status of wolverines throughout the remaining
Holarctic is vulnerable. Three previous studies using nuclear loci have detected little to no significant
structuring among wolverines sampled across northern Canada. Based on these results it has been sug-
gested that wolverines in northern Canada represent a single, panmictic population. However, as has been
shown in numerous studies, in cases of female site fidelity, it is possible to have demographically auton-
omous populations even with male-biased gene flow. To better assess the genetic structure of wolverines in
northern Canada, we examined nine microsatellite loci and DNA sequence variation from a 200 bp
fragment of the mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region for 270 wolverines from nine collecting areas
representing three regions of northern Canada. In agreement with previous studies, microsatellite analyses
revealed a lack of significant population substructure (FST ? 0.0004). However, analysis of molecular
variance, comparisons of pairwise FST values and nested-clade analysis of the mtDNA dat
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