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CR16HCS5,CR16HCS9,CR16MAR5,CR16MAS5, CR16MAS9,CR16MBR5,CR16MCS5,CR16MCS9 CR16HCS5 CR16HCS9 CR16MAR5 CR16MAS5 CR16MAS9 CR16MBR5 CR16MCS5 CR16MCS9 Family of 16-bit CAN-enabled CompactRISC Microcontrollers Literature Number: SNOS999B 芯天下--/ ?2001 National Semiconductor Corporation C R 16 H C S 5 /C R 1 6H C S 9/C R 1 6M A R 5/C R 1 6 M A S 5 C R 1 6 M A S 9 /C R 16 M B R 5 /C R 16 M C S 5 /C R 1 6M C S 9 F am ily o f 16 -b it C A N -e n - ab led C o m p ac tR IS C M ic ro c o n tro llers Interrupt Control January 2002 CR16HCS5/CR16HCS9/CR16MAR5/CR16MAS5 CR16MAS9/CR16MBR5/CR16MCS5/CR16MCS9 Family of 16-bit CAN-enabled CompactRISC Microcontrollers 1.0 General Description The family of 16-bit CompactRISC? microcontroller is based on a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) ar- chitecture. The device operates as a complete microcom- puter with all system timing, interrupt logic, flash program memory or ROM memory, RAM, EEPROM data memory, and I/O ports included on-chip. It is ideally suited to a wide range of embedded controller applications because of its high performance, on-chip integrated features and low power consumption resulting in decreased system cost. The device offers the high performance of a RISC architec- ture while retaining the advantages of a traditional Com- plex Instruction Set Computer (CISC): compact code, on- chip memory and I/O, and reduced cost. The CPU uses a three-stage instruction pipeline that allows execution of up to one instruction per clock cycle, or up to 25 million in- structions per second (MIPS) at a clock rate of 24 MHz. The device contains a FullCAN class, CAN serial interface for low/high speed applications with 15 orthogonal mes- sage buffers, each supporting standard as well as extend- ed message identifiers. TRI-STATE? is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. 64k-Byte Flash Program Memory CR16CAN Core Bus Peripheral Bus Clock Generator Slow Clk* Processing Unit I/O μWire/SPI 12-ch Fast Clk 3k-Byt


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