Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis for Language Modeling.pdf

Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis for Language Modeling.pdf

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Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis for Language Modeling

Cross-Lingual LSA for Language Modeling ICASSP : May 21, 2004 - p. 1/12 Cross-Lingual Latent Semantic Analysis for Language Modeling May 21, 2004 Woosung Kim and Sanjeev Khudanpur Center for Language and Speech Processing Dept. of Computer Science The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Introduction Cross-Lingual LM for ASR Model Estimation LSA for CLIR LSA for MT Corpora Experimental Results Conclusions References Cross-Lingual LSA for Language Modeling ICASSP : May 21, 2004 - p. 2/12 Introduction Motivation : Success of statistical modeling techniques Development of modeling and automatic learning techniques A large amount of data for training is available Most resources on English, French and German How to construct stochastic models in resource-deficient languages? ? Bootstrap from other languages, e.g. Universal phone-set for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) [Schultz Waibel, 98, Byrne et al, 00] Exploit parallel texts to project morphological analyzers, POS taggers, etc. [Yarowsky, Ngai Wicentowski, 01] Cross-Lingual language modeling for ASR [Khudanpur Kim 04] Introduction Cross-Lingual LM for ASR Model Estimation LSA for CLIR LSA for MT Corpora Experimental Results Conclusions References Cross-Lingual LSA for Language Modeling ICASSP : May 21, 2004 - p. 2/12 Introduction Motivation : Success of statistical modeling techniques Development of modeling and automatic learning techniques A large amount of data for training is available Most resources on English, French and German How to construct stochastic models in resource-deficient languages? ? Bootstrap from other languages, e.g. Universal phone-set for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) [Schultz Waibel, 98, Byrne et al, 00] Exploit parallel texts to project morphological analyzers, POS taggers, etc. [Yarowsky, Ngai Wicentowski, 01] Cross-Lingual language modeling for ASR [Khudanpur Kim 04] Cross-Lingual LSA for Language Modeling ICASSP : May 21, 2004 - p. 3/12 Introduction Overview of [


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