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Introductory Econometrics
S2, 2009
Lecturer: Minxian Yang
ie_Slides01 my, School of Economics, UNSW 1
ie_Slides01 my, School of Economics, UNSW 2
About the Course
? Staff
– Lecturer: Minxian Yang
– Tutors: Amani Elnasri and Agne Suziedelyte
? Required textbook
– Wooldridge, J.M. (2009), Introductory Econometrics:
A Modern Approach, 4th Edition, South-Western
? Assessment
– Two tutorial assignments (weeks 5 12): 20%
– One course project (week 8): 20%
– Final exam: 60%
? Submit assignments and project to your tutor!
ie_Slides01 my, School of Economics, UNSW 3
About the Course
? Econometric software
– SHAZAM recommended
– Available in ASB labs and online, or buy it for $10.
? Course materials
– Course website: announcements, course outline,
lecture slides, tutorial questions/answers,
assignments, project data sets, Shazam code, …
– Library (open reserve)
? Read Course Outline carefully!
ie_Slides01 my, School of Economics, UNSW 4
About the Course
? Aim Summary of ECON2206/3290
– Aim to help students develop a working knowledge of
econometrics and its applications.
– Focus on linear regression models, their estimation,
inference and interpretation.
– Emphasise the applications of econometric methods
in practice.
– Foster the ability to conduct empirical research in
economics, finance and other social sciences.
ie_Slides01 my, School of Economics, UNSW 5
1. Introduction (Ch1)
1. Introduction
? What is econometrics?
– It covers the statistical methods useful for
? estimating economic relationships;
? testing economic theories;
? evaluating policies;
? forecasting economic variables,
based on data (observations on variables).
eg. Estimating and testing the effect of
– education on wages;
– minimum wages on unemployment;
– govt policies on inflation and growth;
– school spending on student performance; etc.
ie_Slides01 my, School of Economics, UNSW 6
1. Introduction (Ch1)
? What is econometrics?
– Differing from statistics used in physi
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