
Effect of residual Bose-Einstein correlations on the Dalitz plot of hadronic charm meson de.pdf

Effect of residual Bose-Einstein correlations on the Dalitz plot of hadronic charm meson de.pdf

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Effect of residual Bose-Einstein correlations on the Dalitz plot of hadronic charm meson de

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 9 8 0 6 4 5 9 v 1 2 4 J u n 1 9 9 8 Effect of residual Bose-Einstein correlations on the Dalitz plot of hadronic charm meson decays E. Cuautle, G. Herrera ? Centro de Investigacio?n y de Estudios Avanzados Apdo. Postal 14 740, Me?xico 07000, DF, Me?xico Abstract We show that the presence of residual Bose-Einstein correlations may affect the non-resonant contribution of hadronic charm decays where two identical pions appear in the final state. The distortion of the phase-space of the reaction would be visible in the Dalitz plot. The decay D+ → K?π+π+ is discussed but results can be generalized to any decay with identical bosons. ?e-mails:, 1 1 Introduction Hadronic decays of D mesons are an important source of information. The study of pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar and pseudoscalar-vector decays of D mesons, for example, shed light on heavy quark decay and hadronization. The lifetime difference between the D+ and the D0 mesons as well as the role of final state interactions may be understood by carefully studying their hadronic decays. The fractions of resonant (pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar or pseudoscalar- vector) and non resonant three-body contributions to each decay mode are determined by fitting the Dalitz plot distributions to a coherent sum of am- plitudes. The three-body amplitude is normally assumed to be constant over the Dalitz plot but, decays like D+ → K?π+π+ contain identical charged pions in the final state and their interference produce a non-constant behaviour of the phase-space [1]. The first evidence for a non-uniform population on the Dalitz plot for D+ → K?π+π+ was shown in ref. [2]. In [1] an attempt is made to account for the interference by adding an ad hoc term to the likelihood function. The best fit is obtained with a Bose symmetric term of the form B3body =| m2Kπ1 ?m2Kπ2 |. However, they found that this form does not seem to adequately describe the physics. In a rec



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