English Sentence.doc

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English Sentence

English Sentence 1. She sings and dances very well. 2. Spring is coming,it sounds great. 3. How can I make you happy? 4. I don’t care what she thinks. 5. Who told you that? 6. When do you suppose he will come? 7. They didn’t believe what she said. 8. I was not surprised at all such a result. 9. I don’t think he will succeed. 10. Don’t make so much noice,I can’t get down to my work. 1. 她能歌善舞。 2. 春天就要来了,听起来很棒。 3. 我怎样才能使你高兴呢? 4. 我不关心她想什么。 5. 那是谁告诉你的。 6. 你认为他什么时间能够回来。 7. 他们不相信她的话。 8. 对于这样的结果我一点也不吃惊。 9. 我想他不会成功。 10. 不要这样吵闹,我无法静下心来学习。 11. Let’s not tell anyone about it. 12. Nothing is difficult to a willing heart. 13. All my plans came to nothing. 14. You can’t speak too high of him. 15. There is no one but succeeds without persererance. 16. He is not such a fool but he believes you. 17. There is no knowing what he is driving at. 18. How exciting the news is ! 19. Fancy meeting you here! 20. If only I had been more carefully! 11. 我们最好不要把这件事告诉任何人。 12. 有志之士面前无困难。 13. 我的一切计划都落空了。 14. 你无论怎么称赞他都不为过。 15. 所有的成功者都有毅力。 16. 他不会那么傻竟相信你的鬼话。 17. 不晓得他在讲什么。 18. 这消息多么令人兴奋啊! 19. 这么没想到能在这儿碰到你。 20. 我要是在细心点该多好。 21. That I could accompany you all your life! 22. Don’t be deceived by his look. 23. Do be quiet a moment! 24. Never say die . 25. May every day of yours be full of happiness. 26. Wish you success. 27. Don’t anyone open the door. 28. Let us not say nothing about it. 29. There are always new things to be discovered. 30. There is no telling whether he will come or not . 31. You can’t depend on there being another opportunity for you. 32. I prefer there to be more cooperation. 33. All these things are to be answered for. 34. It is impossible for there to be any change. 35. Denying this will be shutting one’s eyes to facts. 36. The more he talked,The more excited he grew. 37. There followed a long period of silence. 38. It appears that he has no interest in our program. 39. I am not sure whether I can make it. 40. I don’t know whether he knows the news already. 21. 多么希望能陪伴你一生啊! 2


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