Epidermal differentiation governs engineered skin biomechanics.pdf

Epidermal differentiation governs engineered skin biomechanics.pdf

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Epidermal differentiation governs engineered skin biomechanics

Journal of Biomechanics 43 (2010) 3183–3190Contents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage: /locate/jbiomech Journal of Biomechanics0021-92 doi:10.1 n Corr The Oh 43210, E-mwww.JBEpidermal differentiation governs engineered skin biomechanicsG.C. Ebersole a, P.M. Anderson a, H.M. Powell a,b,n a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, 116 W. 19th Ave., 243C Fontana Labs, Columbus, OH 43210, USA b Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University, The Ohio State University, 116 W. 19th Ave., 243C Fontana Labs, Columbus, OH 43210, USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Accepted 24 July 2010 Engineered skin must be mechanically strong to facilitate surgical application and prevent damage during the early stages of engraftment. However, the evolution of structural properties during culture,Keywords: Tissue engineering Skin Differentiation Strength90/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. A 016/j.jbiomech.2010.07.026 esponding author at: Department of Materi io State University, 116 W. 19th Ave., 243C USA. Tel.: +1 614 247 8673; fax: +1 614 292 ail address: powell.299@ (H.M. Powela b s t r a c t the relative contributions of the epidermis and dermis, and any correlation with tissue morphogenesis are not well known. These aspects are investigated by assessing the mechanical properties of engineered skin (ES) and engineered dermis (ED) during a 21-day culture period, including correlations with cellular metabolism, cellular organization and epidermal differentiation. During culture, the epidermis differentiates and begins to cornify, as evidenced by immunostaining and surface electrical capacitance. Tensile testing reveals that the ultimate tensile strength and linear stiffness increase linearly with time for ES, but are relatively unchanged for ED. ES strength correlates significantly with epidermal differentiation (po0.001) and a composite strength model indicates that strength is largely determined by the epi


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