Escaping Path-Dependence Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management.pdf

Escaping Path-Dependence Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management.pdf

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Escaping Path-Dependence Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management

Escaping Path-Dependence: Essays on Foresight and Environmental Management Totti K?nn?l? Licentiate Thesis May 31, 2005 Helsinki University of Technology Department of Engineering and Physics and Mathematics Systems Analysis Laboratory 2 Foreword I am especially grateful to my supervisor Prof. Ahti Salo for the active guidance and collaboration during this study. Furthermore, I have been fortunate to work together with the encouraging and highly proficient co-writers Dr. Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla, Dr. Mari Hjelt and Dr. Gregogy Unruh. Also grateful to the other colleagues and the anonymous referees for the valuable comments and support, I am looking forward to continuing scientific debate on these issues. For the financial support, I address my gratitude to the Research Foundation of Helsinki University of Technology, the Foundation of the Instituto de Empresa and Helsinki Institute of Science and Technology Studies. This learning process has offered me many opportunities to explore and walk new paths both in professional and personal arenas. This would not have been possible without the understanding and encouragement of you; ?iti, Is?, Mitti, Vaari and Lauraseni. Olen erityisen kiitollinen ohjaajalleni professori Ahti Salolle t?m?n tutkimuksen aktiivisesta ohjauksesta ja hedelm?llisest? yhteisty?st?. Lis?ksi, olen onnekseni saanut ty?skennell? ja kirjoittaa yhdess? rohkaisevien ja erityisen p?tevien tohtorien Javier Carrillo-Hermosillan, Mari Hjeltin ja Gregory Unruh’n kanssa. Kiitollisena my?s muille kolleegoilleni ja anonyymeille artikkelien arvioijille arvokkaista kommenteista ja kannustuksesta, toivon voivani jatkossakin osallistua tieteelliseen keskusteluun n?ist? asioista. Taloudellisesta tuesta kiitokseni kuuluu Teknillisen korkeakoulun ja Instituto de Empresan tiedes??ti?ille ja HIST:lle (Helsinki Institute of Science and Technology Studies). T?m? oppimisprosessi on tarjonnut minull


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