Ethical Evaluation of Displays that Adapt to Affect.pdf

Ethical Evaluation of Displays that Adapt to Affect.pdf

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Ethical Evaluation of Displays that Adapt to Affect

Ethical Evaluation of Displays that Adapt to Affect Carson Reynolds MIT Media Laboratory 20 Ames St, Room E15- 120F Cambridge, Massachuset t s 02139 carsonr@ Rosalind Picard MIT Media Laboratory 20 Ames St, Room E15- 00G Cambridge, Massachuset t s 02139 picard@ Abstract: We are developing new kinds of sensors and algorithms that can sense and begin to interpret information related to affect. Starting from the standpoint of Value Sensitive Design, which considers values such as calmness, autonomy, and informed consent, displays that adapt to affect can be ethically evaluated. The question of how adaptive technologies act on these values is of critical importance to the affective computing group. We are seeking to better unders tan d ethical implications for designers through empirical experiments. Suppose you are a soldier faced with the following dilemma. Youve been issued a prototype HUD while acting as team leader of an infantry rifle squad. The HUD prioritizes communications based on the senders emotional state. You are told this will allow you to focus on squad members in distress and in need of the most assistance. However, when you wear the HUD, the constant fluctuation of message priority (which mirrors constant changes in emotion) makes you disoriented. Furthermore, your squad is performing overwatch, and you are expected to remain extremely vigilant for contact with the enemy. So the dilemma facing you is: should you wear the HUD or not? Given the HUDs 1 impact on your mission but potential improvement of your ability to communicate with your squad, this may be a difficult decision to make. Adaptive displays face problems of predictability and controllability [Jameson, 2002], especially when fed with emotional inference data that m


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