expimp 与 expdp impdp 对比 及使用中的一些优化事项 ..pdf

expimp 与 expdp impdp 对比 及使用中的一些优化事项 ..pdf

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expimp 与 expdp impdp 对比 及使用中的一些优化事项 .

exp/imp 与 expdp/impdp 对比及使用中的一些优化事项 关于exp/imp 和 expdp/impdp, 之前整理的2篇Blog如下: ORACLE 数据库逻辑备份 简单 EXP/IMP /tianlesoftware/archive/2009/10/23/4718366.aspx Oracle 10g EXPDP和 IMPDP使用说明 /tianlesoftware/archive/2009/10/16/4674224.aspx 一. exp/imp 与 expdp/impdp 对比 1.1 expdp/impdp调用Server端的API在执行操作,是数据库内部的job任务。 必须在服务器端执行。 而exp/imp 则没有限制。 1.2 exp/imp 与 expdp/impdp 的默认模式和原理不一样 1.2.1 exp/imp 不同模式原理 在metalink的这边文章中,提到了exp/imp的不同模式下的工作原理: Parameter DIRECT: Conventional Path Export Versus Direct Path Export [ID 155477.1] /tianlesoftware/archive/2010/12/22/6090759.aspx Starting with Oracle7 release 7.3, the Export utility provides two methods for exporting table data: - Conventional Path Export - Direct Path Export (1) Conventional path Export. Conventional path Export uses the SQL SELECT statement to extract data from tables. Data is read from disk into the buffer cache, and rows are transferred to the evaluating buffer. The data, after passing expression evaluation, is transferred to the Export client, which then writes the data into the export file. exp/imp 默认会是传统路径, 这种模式下,是用SELECT 加数据查询出来, 然后写入buffer cache, 在将这些记录写入evaluate buffer. 最后传到 Export客户端,在写入dump文件。 (2) Direct path Export. When using a Direct path Export, the data is read from disk directly into the export sessions program global area (PGA): the rows are transferred directly to the Export sessions private buffer. This also means that the SQL command-processing layer (evaluation buffer) can be bypassed, because the data is already in the format that Export expects. As a result, unnecessary data conversion is avoided. The data is transferred to the Export client, which then writes the data into the export file. The default is DIRECT=N, which extracts the table data using the conventional path. This parameter is only applicable to the original export client. Export DataPump (expdp) uses a Direct Path unload by default and switches to External Table mode if required


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