GMAT考试 2012年3月9日GMAT语法机经(七).pdf

GMAT考试 2012年3月9日GMAT语法机经(七).pdf

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GMAT考试 2012年3月9日GMAT语法机经(七)

智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料 GMAT考试 2012年3月9日GMAT语法机经(七) GMAT考试已于3月1日更换题库,以下是2012年3月的GMAT语法 机经更新,更新日期从2012年3月1日起至3月9日,目前共16题。智课 留学祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 15. 一个销售管理策略,though some not agree with , most of the attendees 同意考虑 (March, 9) 狗主补充:句子全划线,选项就是三个部分颠倒排序。 most貌似不是考点,主要是though的变化和though那个句子的变化 。然后就是主语变化。2个是策略做主语,3个是attendees做主语。 根据狗主补充的材料来看,考查的应该是句子的中心(重心)的位置 。在不改变句子原意的基础上,句子的中心内容应当前置,但是要注意 避免头重脚轻。个人认为,正确答案应该优先考虑以attendees做主语 的3个选项。因为,如果以销售管理策略做主语,句子是passive的,容 易出现表达上的不清晰。 More information: 1. Most vs. Almost Almost is an adverb. It is synonymous with nearly. It is usually followed by a number, a quantifier (all) or a participial adjective (finished) Most can be a noun, adjective or adverb. It is usually followed by of the + noun Reference: 链接 Mostly is an adv., means for the most part. Most of: 大部分,大多数的;绝大多数; 近似于 majority of. 另外,注意的是,most of all的意思是:最总要的是… 2. 插入语 Parenthetical expressions are phrases that are not necessary to the sentence but give extra information…They work as commentaries. Without the parenthetical expression, the sentence would still be complete. Reference: 《The Ultimate Writing Guild for Students》 “插入语既可以是任何结构性概念,如定语从句,独立主格结构, 分词短语 也可以是,状语,定语,同位语等句子成分性概念。” 更详细的请参考下面的网址: Reference: 链接 16. By welleleven 记得考到的考点有though和despite的优先顺序,逗号和破折号的 区分。 Explain: 1.辨析though, although, even though, despite, in spite of They all serve to record something that is surprising or unexpected. But the difference in usage is that although, though and even though are all conjunctions, whilst in spite of and despite are both prepositions. So usage requires: in spite of + noun 常跟搭配:in spite of the fact that… although + clause despite + noun though + clause even though + clause Although and though can be used in the same way. Though is perhaps more common in informal speech and writing, whereas although can be used in a wide variety of styles. Whilst despite might be thought more formal than in spite of - it is, after all, one word rather than three. 根据简洁性原则,一般情况下despite比 in spite of 要好。


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