GWB005 Bluetooth Module Datasheet 蓝牙模块.pdf

GWB005 Bluetooth Module Datasheet 蓝牙模块.pdf

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GWB005 Bluetooth Module Datasheet 蓝牙模块

GWB005 Bluetooth Module Data Sheet (Document Number:GWB005-01A) GooWi Technology Co., Ltd GOOWI GWB005 Bluetooth Module Data Sheet GWB005-01A GooWi Technology Co.,Ltd. 深圳市福田区红岭中路南国大厦 1栋 30A,D,E TEL:0755-2204365 2 GWB005 Module Vimicro Rev2.0 Dec. 2012 Device Features ? Mono single-ended output ? A small and cost effective Bluetooth? System ? Bluetooth? specification v3.0+EDR compliant ? NFC function, let the bluetooth application more simple ? Class 2, up to 10-meter range ? Security simple pairing ? Bluetooth? Profile Supported: HSP, HFP, A2DP ,AVRCP ? Vimicro support for echo and noise reduction ? transcoders for A-law, μ-law and linear voice from host and A-law, μ-law and CVSD voice over air. ? Parameters configurable ? Power management: low power 1.2V operation for Bluetooth? core ,3.3V I/O ? Integrated 200mA lithium battery charger,Powered by 3.0-4.2V Li-lon battery, charged by 3.0-6.5V Adapter or USB. ? PCB antenna ? Compact size: 21.50 mm x 18.00 mm ? Surface mount package for embedded applications ? 2 LED outputs General Description The GWB005 module from GooWi is a complete Bluetooth? solution.It is built on Vimicro Core and NXP NFC processor .It’s a short range,compact and cost effective module. Be able to be embedded into your electronics devices which need Bluetooth? connection, such as, Home Audio, Car kit, Handsfree applications… Applications ? Bluetooth Speaker ? High-end noise cancellation mono headset GOOWI GWB005 Bluetooth Module Data Sheet GWB005-01A GooWi Technology Co.,Ltd. 深圳市福田区红岭中路南国大厦 1栋 30A,D,E TEL:0755-2204365 3 Version History Version No Author Date Remark Rev1.0 2011-12-21 Init Version Rev2.0 2012-12-29 Add NFC functions Rev3.0 2013-05-23 Modify the power supply voltage range


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