IceCube-Plus An Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Telescope.pdf

IceCube-Plus An Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Telescope.pdf

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IceCube-Plus An Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Telescope

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 3 1 0 1 5 2 v 3 2 2 D e c 2 0 0 3 MADPH-03-1344 February 5, 2008 IceCube-Plus: An Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Telescope Francis Halzen 1 and Dan Hooper 1,2 1 Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, 1150 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53703, USA 2 Denys Wilkinson Laboratory, Astrophysics Department, OX1 3RH Oxford, England, UK Abstract While the first kilometer-scale neutrino telescope, IceCube, is under construction, alter- native plans exist to build even larger detectors that will, however, be limited by a much higher neutrino energy threshold of 10 PeV or higher rather than 10 to 100 GeV. These fu- ture projects detect radio and acoustic pulses as well as air showers initiated by ultra-high energy neutrinos. As an alternative, we here propose an expansion of IceCube, using the same strings, placed on a grid with a spacing of order 500 m. Unlike other proposals, the ex- panded detector uses methods that are understood and calibrated on atmospheric neutrinos. Atmospheric neutrinos represent the only background at the energies under consideration and is totally negligible. Also, the cost of such a detector is understood. We conclude that supplementing the 81 IceCube strings with a modest number of additional strings spaced at large distances can almost double the effective volume of the detector. Doubling the number of strings on a 800 m grid can deliver a detector that this a factor of 5 larger for horizontal muons at modest cost. I. INTRODUCTION The first kilometer-scale neutrino observatory, IceCube, is now under construction [1]. The instrumen- tation is based on the proven technology of the first-generation AMANDA-II telescope. It has taken data for more than 3 years and accumulated a ~ 0.1 km2 year fluency of neutrinos with energy in the 50 GeV to 100 TeV range. IceCube is optimized to detect all flavors of neutrinos in the 100 GeV to 1 EeV energy range and identify their flavor over a large fraction of this energy r


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