Intracoronary Bone Marrow–Derived Progenitor.pdf

Intracoronary Bone Marrow–Derived Progenitor.pdf

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Intracoronary Bone Marrow–Derived Progenitor

original article T h e n e w e ng l a nd j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e n engl j med 355;12 september 21,Intracoronary Bone Marrow–Derived Progenitor Cells in Acute Myocardial Infarction Volker Sch?chinger, M.D., Sandra Erbs, M.D., Albrecht Els?sser, M.D., Werner Haberbosch, M.D., Rainer Hambrecht, M.D., Hans H?lschermann, M.D., Jiangtao Yu, M.D., Roberto Corti, M.D., Detlef G. Mathey, M.D., Christian W. Hamm, M.D., Tim Süselbeck, M.D., Birgit Assmus, M.D., Torsten Tonn, M.D., Stefanie Dimmeler, Ph.D., and Andreas M. Zeiher, M.D., for the REPAIR-AMI Investigators* From the Department of Internal Med- icine III, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Uni ver- sity, Frankfurt (V.S., B.A., S.D., A.M.Z.); the Department of Cardiology, Herzzen- trum Leipzig, Leipzig (S.E., R.H.); the De- partment of Cardiology, Kerckhoff Klinik, Bad Nauheim (A.E., C.W.H.); the Depart- ment of Internal Medicine, Zentralklini- kum Suhl, Suhl (W.H.); the Department of Cardiology, Universit?tsklinikum Gies- sen, Giessen (H.H.); the Department of Cardiology, Zentralklinikum, Bad Berka ( J.Y.); the Hamburg University Cardio- vascular Cen ter, Hamburg (D.G.M.); the De partment of Cardiology, Universit?ts- klinikum, Mannheim (T.S.); and the In- stitute for Transfusion Medicine and Im- munohematology, Red Cross Blood Donor Service Baden–Württemberg– Hessen, Frankfurt (T.T.) — all in Germa- ny; and the Department of Cardiology, Uni versit?ts spital, Zurich, Switzerland (R.C.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Zeiher at the Department of Internal Medicine III, J.W. Goethe University, The- odor-Stern-Kai 7, D-60590 Frankfurt, Ger- many, or at *Members of the Reinfusion of Enriched Progenitor Cells and Infarct Remodeling in Acute Myocardial Infarction (REPAIR- AMI) study group are listed in the Ap- pendix. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1210-21. Copyright ? 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society. A bs tr ac t Background Pilot trials suggest that the intracoronary admi


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