Is Jpsi-Nucleon Scattering Dominated by the Gluonic van der Waals Interaction.pdf

Is Jpsi-Nucleon Scattering Dominated by the Gluonic van der Waals Interaction.pdf

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Is Jpsi-Nucleon Scattering Dominated by the Gluonic van der Waals Interaction

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 9 7 0 7 3 8 2 v 1 1 7 J u l 1 9 9 7 SLAC-PUB-7553 DOE/ER/40561-330-INT97-19-07 DOE/ER/41014-16-N97 July 1997 Is J/ψ-Nucleon Scattering Dominated by the Gluonic van der Waals Interaction? ? Stanley J. Brodsky Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University, Stanford, California 94309 Gerald A. Miller ? Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University, Stanford, California 94309 and National Institute for Nuclear Theory Box 35150, University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195-1560 Abstract The gluon-exchange contribution to J/ψ-nucleon scattering is shown to yield a sizeable scattering length of about -0.25 fm, which is consistent with the sparse available data. Hadronic corrections to gluon exchange which are generated by ρπ and DD intermediate states of the J/ψ are shown to be negligible. We also propose a new method to study J/ψ-nucleon elastic scattering in the reaction π+d→ J/ψ p p. Submitted to Physics Letters B. ?Work supported in part by the Department of Energy, contract DE–AC03–76SF00515. ?Permanent address: Department of Physics, Box 351560, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1560 One of the novel features that quantum chromodynamics brings to strong inter- action physics is the concept of a gluonic van der Waals potential, the interaction arising from the exchange of two or more gluons between color-singlet hadrons. The color van der Waals potential is expected to be the dominant potential in the case of the scattering of hadrons without common quarks, such as in the interaction of heavy quarkonium states with hadrons or nuclei at low energies. As in quantum electrodynamics, the QCD van der Waals is attractive, and in principle it could lead to molecular-like bound states of charmonium with nuclei[1, 2]. Unlike QED, the QCD van der Waals potential has finite range, rather than the power-law fall-off characteristic of the exchange of massless neutral gauge fields.[3] It is clearly very intere


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